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Leyzr - Membership Application

Age: 29

Steam Name(Current): Leyzr

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 71hr

Where did you hear about this server?: Browsing a bit after being on moat.gg a short time (was there less than a week then they became unlisted lol.)

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: I've so far quite enjoyed the server, with the lobby games (boss fights, raids, ect) and the gameplay in TTT is absolutely hilarious most times lol.

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: I can be a hothead sometimes when it comes to finishing quests/dailys, but otherwise I am always enjoying myself. (Sometimes people think when i ask questions/randomly yell i'm mad, but i'm almost never. I'll work on this.)

I have seen them on a decent amount, Always have a good time with them.
I think they would be a good addition to member.

I haven't seen him causing trouble. +1

+1 I've been on with him a decent amount, he can be a little iffy at times but hes never bad, I think he's capable of handling at least member.

Yeah he’s pretty pog, +1

cool guy, knows how to have fun. +1

have had no problems with him +1

He is fun to play with and is very cool +1

Very fun, lots of gamblers. good pog +1

Its always a (Leyzr)ly time with this player on! +1

hahahah unpoke see what I did there?

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