Steam Name(Current):Boof King
Time played on servers?(!time username to check):246 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: I played NTG n this is where the cool people play now
Have you ever been banned and why?:No
Why do you want to join?: I've been playin toooo long to not fill out an app and people be askin me why I haven't applied so I thought I should officially join the community
Referred by: Breaded
Additional Details: I'm a chill guy chief
Steam Name(Current):Boof King
Time played on servers?(!time username to check):246 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: I played NTG n this is where the cool people play now
Have you ever been banned and why?:No
Why do you want to join?: I've been playin toooo long to not fill out an app and people be askin me why I haven't applied so I thought I should officially join the community
Referred by: Breaded
Additional Details: I'm a chill guy chief