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Trashcan - Member Application

In my mind no one who does something like you did deserves member. Stick around and prove you're a better member of the community and maybe I'd change my mind. -1 for now.

I would up-vote this app, were it not for the duping incident. To me your actions show a blatant lack of integrity and respect for the server/community. For this reason, I'm going to have to agree with Mousey and -1. Sorry.

As much as I want to +1 this app cause you seem to be a super chill kid with good intentions - just not possible to overlook such a serious incident.


Your duping incident was far too recent for me to comfortably trust you with Member. Abusing duping bugs is dishonest and disingenuous to the game and is a serious offense.
More time needs to be given before your trust on the server is rebuilt.


- That Thrakos Noob

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