Grenade count is just how many nades you spawn with.
- Added a brand new slot to your Loadout - Equipment.
- Added 6 new base grenade types, one of which made by beaver! -
- Frag Grenade
- Stagnant Grenade
- Regen Grenade
- Cleansing Grenade
- Sludge Grenade
- Mustard Gas Grenade
- Added 5 Grenade Tiers. Some of which are discoverable. Tiers are grenade modifiers, like so:
(Think how heroic is a tier, nades have their own tiers, that change how the grenade functions)
Two of these tiers were made by Beaver, so HUGE shout out to him! - The march monthly will be active later today once I verify all of these additions function properly.
- Added a new item to the T shop, made by beaver.
- Completely remade grenade physics, to be more consistent and predictable.
Grenade count is just how many nades you spawn with.