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Philip - Membership Application

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): Philip

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): ~52.25 hours after adding all hours up https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/471537584351477761/611655522755543061/e4b77791582c53404d94afe885f0469d.png

Where did you hear about this server?: Meepen after moat had an adderall craze

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: The community was welcoming all us moatmen with open arms and immediately stepped up to help us understand the FRG system. I want to be one of the stepping stones for new players. The system was a bit hard to understand at first, but all the members and higher assisted and I also want to be someone that new players go to.

Referred by: None

Additional Details: nice_the_boar gave me a godlike for 1k :pog:

it says Time Played: 19.51 Hours . but if you actually have 50 hours +1 because he is really chill and is fun to do raids with.

Okay, after seeing you more and after you messaging me to clear things up I am going to change to a +1, although you have done the annoying things like jake has said, and you did do the things that had irked me earlier, you did not throw a tantrum when I -1ed you which is obviously a big plus, and you talked to me reasonably. You explained that you were talking to micro in discord which is completely reasonable and I understand why you were not talking to us. However what you had done earlier with our Asylum party was not cool, but I believe I can get past that, and it was just something pretty small. I hope that you continue to do what you do and keep helping out your fellow moatmen.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who go out of their way to burp/cough/sneeze into their mics. You literally have to press and hold a button for us to hear you do that. For that reason, I want to -1 this app but other than that you seem fine so I also want to +1 this app. JUST STOP BURPING INTO YOUR MIC. REEEEEEEEE

Philip’s okay all around from what I’ve seen
I’ve been in discord with him a few times and he seemed like a cool guy

Was kind of toxic when I first met him after he tried to start stuff by telling me to wipe on lyrus when I was trying to solo clutch. Other than that he has vastly improved since that interaction and think he is becoming member material. Hope to put that in the past. +1

+1 i talk with him a lot in discord. he is nice to play with and doesn't break any rules that i know.
also reports bugs when he finds it which is always a good thing

Never really had a problem with him he kinda fit right in, +1 personally since he hasn't done anything wrong afaik.

Haven't been in a bad experience with him at all yet and hopefully it stays like that, hes a chill dude +1

+1 pretty cool haven't seen him cause any problems

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