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Micro Part 3

Age: 21

Steam Name(Current): MicroBoss

Time played on servers?: 1,525 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: TTT list

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, For being involved in a scam

Why do you want to join?: I love the community, it may be a bit toxic but what community isn't. I enjoy playing with a lot of people in here and i enjoy playing other games with them. (Events)

Referred by: none

Additional Details:I know i was involved in a scam and i see what i did wrong in that scenario, the time i was banned i though a lot of what i did was wrong and i should never endorse scamming. I'm sorry and ill try to better my self.


Mirco seems fine as of late, hasn't really been causing issues or flaming people and being toxic like he used to. I'd say he's alright being regarded as a member of the commmunity again. +1

No, never. This is silly. Way too early if ever.

I would say give him another chance. Micro has been on his best behavior since the incident and I've seen him helping new members to the community as well. That's something that we as a community could always use so I'll +1 this member application.

It's gonna be a no from me dawg.

+0 For now. From time to time, he does say some stupid shit at the wrong time and does some sketchy stuff. As of recently, he has helped with newer players on the server and I did witness him help a newcomer out when 15+ players in the server neglected the newcomer. I'll change it to a +1 if he continues helping out and being on his best behavior.

I just wanna say that I don't play too often, but when I do play, and am on with you at the same time it's never that pleasant of an experience because you do lead yourself with a bit of a toxic attitude. I don't really feel like you represent the community well to new players.

+0, he still behaves the same towards people he dislikes as he did prior to the ban. He atleast promotes the idea he has learned from his mistake but it doesnt feel like the punishment really effected him, i remember hearing statements of "he was gonna be busy/away during the bans duration anyway".

If he can prove his behaviors have changed for the better ill swap this to +1.

(if it was up to me id -1 based on the cancer distorted and his defense of it "not being broken" when it forces people to stand still or spasm around the map)
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

Micro is one of my best friends, he has his moments like everyone else. Although his is a lot louder and hurts his reputation more. Also they're due to lack of self awareness and stupidity.

Through the years I've seen a lot worse people get member, granted most of them lost their member. It is just a title showing you're part of the community and you care about the server.

I believe if he tones down the trolling, friend rdming, and helps out more of the newer player base he'll be fine. If he continues unsavory actions then he doesn't get member back. I think that is more reasonable then a stale no.

(08-11-2019, 01:52 AM)Bathory Wrote:  but it doesnt feel like the punishment really effected him, i remember hearing statements of "he was gonna be busy/away during the bans duration anyway".

I want to say this is faulty information. I can assure you he was asking Tj and I a lot during that month to play Modded Minecraft and Dead by Daylight, Was also watching a shitload of anime. He could have been busy for a few days and he was talking out of his ass, I remember declining a lot so I can work on scrolls.


- That Thrakos Noob

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