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Enigma Scope

Lets be honest, the enigma scope is shit, and i think any senseable person would agree. I know it attributes to the enigma being unique, but whenever i use the enigma, i never scope in. The main problem with it is that it's double-render, and it just doesn't work, the idea was good, but it just doesn't work that well. As Dylan said, "yeah, the scope is ass, notice how I don't use it at all. so jank"
My suggestion is make the scope a default rifle scope, or the one just like the assassinator from NTG, and add a new ability for the scope. The scope starts on 2x zoom, pressing "e" twice multiplies the zoom up to 8x. This would make the gun work for maps, big and small.

Should increase the accuracy a good bit if its used for 8x like that. The Enigma should be the unparalleled long-range sniper. My only issues with it is people using it at very close range, meaning they'll shoot with it and instantly swap to another equip slot, meaning you don't "see" them shoot. (This is effective because its suppressed and has virtually no muzzle flash). But making it an absolute killer at long, and I mean REALLY long ranges sounds great.

What about the render target scope doesn't work exactly? I'd rather fine tune it than completely replace it. I think it feels fine, so I'm not too sure the issue.

I haven't used it in a while since I lent it out, but imo the problem with it, aside from the chambering making aiming hard and the fact that it doesn't work with some hud objects (radar, etc...), is that it's too small for me. The main one is larger and keeps down on distractions with the black. This one goes for more realism by moving the scope farther away from your face and adding in the rest of your vision. But for me at least, it's too small now. I wouldn't mind if it was smaller if the two other unique parts of the scope weren't there. Because having to deal with basically losing your aim every time you shoot, and the stuff going on at the sides of the screen. Make the increase in precision needed much harder than it should be.

Like I said at the start, I haven't used this in quite a few months. But if it's like I remember, I'd like to see the scope being made larger and the weapon sway being toned down a bit when you chamber the next shot. I know it's supposed to be realistic, but this is a game where you fight a giant demon and also have the ability to raise the dead so I don't think that's too important.

Made these changes:


Do note, I play on default 75 FOV, the scope would be different on maxed FoV.

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