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[Buff] Bloodweep

The Bloodweep feels just underwhelming compared to the melees we've been getting, and this was an idea I had a longtime ago but never posted about. Basically, we should replace the push with bloodweep and give it a throwing attack. If you hit someone, it triggers Damnation. To get your axe back, you gotta pick it up, whether from someone's corpse or the ground if you missed. So basically you can toss it and gotta retrieve it afterwards.

Damnation is kinda useless because you have to melee someone with it and then wait for them to die from it. Every time it'll always end up with them killing you, or you switching to a gun and finishing them off, thus completely nulling the Bloodweep effect. Super lame.

idk, it's pretty useful to hit Moz to leech hp back. powercreep is inevitable when it comes to really old items. if this gets buffed, people are gonna ask for the next weakest thing to get buffed and so on.

I'd just wait for an extinct soon tm

Well I like the idea of giving it a fun "Hurl Axe" ability so ima give that a +1.

honestly, i like the bloodweep as it is.
You get a 1/2 one and you can just go around tapping people, its a bunch of fun and i dont think it really needs changing.

nerf trident

also holy heck, terran is asking for a buff for once???

all balance aside, that axe is fucking huge, how do you expect to throw it

it also does between 60-80 headshot damage

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