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[NERF] Engraved suffix

This is the most bullshit suffix. You truly cannot see anything, it 100% debilitates you. Its a hundred times stronger than the Cerberus proc or anything else similar. Its waaaay too strong. Keep the damage or whatever, just have it not be such cancer to the eyes. Please.

While we are on the topic it works on dragon and it definitely SHOULD NOT. Thanks

id say just make it less opaque, feels like i'm looking at pollock painting when i get procd

Id rather keep the screen effect and take off the damage. Make it more unique. But by all means make it less aids.

I’m just gonna say this, and only this.

I didn’t suggested the screen effect that is currently on for Engraved, the screen effect I suggested, was:
If proc, you will start to see ancient letters on your screen, around you, flying past you, and flying towards you. And while proc, you will start taking X dmg every X seconds for X seconds.

That is what I was going for.
(Also can we change the texture so the gun looks like it has actual engravings on it, instead of the current texture rn thanks.)

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