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Poll: Should an untradeable copy of the Monthly item drop after 20+ full daily completions?
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A change to the monthly daily reward system

ive been trying to write something that makes sense for a while now, so ill just put it out there, the warbanner is straight RNG, kinda sucks to the people that grind to get it and probably never will, and then the people who come on for 2 seconds and drop it end round, ive been trying to think of something to help get people warbanners without devaluing them entirely, and i honestly cant, anyway that guarantees it will devalue it untradable or not, and anyway that it ups your chances big time to almost guarantee it will devalue too, so honestly, i think were just gonna have to keep grinding, theres no way to guarantee it without ruining the "rare" part of it. I havent gotten one yet either though :^(
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

(05-23-2019, 11:30 AM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  we had a conversation similar to this in the discord a few days ago, and generally speaking it boils down to this: the monthly uniques are MEANT to be rare. Frankly, everyone being able to have one with as minimal effort as the dailies take just over a month would basically make them not worth anything.
It's not as if you can't buy one later, in the same way that you can now trade for a coal launcher which released as an RNG-droppable unique with a lot of interesting quirks, namely, being a secondary slot shotgun. The coal launcher probably won't even be as reasonably-attainable as these monthly droppables will be, as brass has said he intends to make/is considering making it a more-rare drop from when the calendar loops around in a year, but it's likely the launcher won't make a return in a similar fashion.

You shouldn't get even more guaranteed return on what is essentially something you do passively now by just playing TTT.

Minimal effort? In order to get the dailies done 20 times, you're probably talking at least 40-60 hours on the server if not more with the whole "play 120 minutes" or "play 50 rounds" (FIFTY!!!) challenges. If you are really are dedicated enough to do that every single day, than why wouldn't you deserve the monthly? It would still be incredibly rare.

dailies, having the weapon class specific requirements removed, are basically passive rewards for playing TTT that have a chance of a lyrus egg, a djinn, or a flashback, on top of the monthly. the entire time you do them, you can also be doing a challenge scroll, which aren't in short supply. it's so ridiculously low-effort that I'd say you could complete them pretty efficiently just by killing yourself every round.

doesn't the whole of this thread just come down to "doesn't it suck that people get screwed over by RNG?" and while yeah, it does suck... it's kinda one of the core parts of the server and loot systems like ours. not everyone is supposed to get everything and not everything you invest time/effort into will be rewarding

(on a side note, does anyone else think this thread feels uncharacteristic for Terran? the old man jenkins who talks about old FRG where you had to earn your kills with bellums and loot from item crate Is and you were happy to get 4 crates from grims who is now asking for a loot pity timer?)

If you are that committed to FRG that you will do every daily for 25 days of the month then I'm fine with getting one untradable prim. I know I have never even completed every daily for an entire week and I sure as heck won't ever complete every daily for 25 days of a month. I think this rewards those that truly love FRG and it won't hurt the economy because it is untradable. There will still be plenty of people wanting to buy the item and plenty of people who won't sell it.

(05-25-2019, 10:43 AM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  dailies, having the weapon class specific requirements removed, are basically passive rewards for playing TTT that have a chance of a lyrus egg, a djinn, or a flashback, on top of the monthly. the entire time you do them, you can also be doing a challenge scroll, which aren't in short supply. it's so ridiculously low-effort that I'd say you could complete them pretty efficiently just by killing yourself every round.

doesn't the whole of this thread just come down to "doesn't it suck that people get screwed over by RNG?" and while yeah, it does suck... it's kinda one of the core parts of the server and loot systems like ours. not everyone is supposed to get everything and not everything you invest time/effort into will be rewarding

(on a side note, does anyone else think this thread feels uncharacteristic for Terran? the old man jenkins who talks about old FRG where you had to earn your kills with bellums and loot from item crate Is and you were happy to get 4 crates from grims who is now asking for a loot pity timer?)

I never said or implied that the dailies weren't easy, my point was that they take TIME, and they take a considerable amount of time with the "hard" time requirements of 50 rounds/120 minutes/etc. I'll ask you again, more explicitly this time: if somebody is committed enough to spend 50+ hours just to complete their dailies 25 times, why do they not deserve an untradeable version of the monthly prim?

On a side note, how is it that you can say Terran is asking for pity loot when he's clearly willing to put in the time and effort to complete the dailies 25 times in one month? If that isn't earning it to you, then I don't know what to tell you to convince you otherwise.

for the same reason no one "deserves" anything for grinding events for weeks to get no special drops, an for the same reason no one "deserves" anything for spending all of the coins, which they earned with time put into the server, on crates and getting nothing special. it's something you choose to do and invest time into with hopes of a return, and sometimes that doesn't pan out. That is how it's supposed to work.

It's not even as if you *have* to do the "excessive" time dailies under the proposed system, you have around 5 days in a month where you can skip them completely.

(05-25-2019, 08:42 PM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  for the same reason no one "deserves" anything for grinding events for weeks to get no special drops, an for the same reason no one "deserves" anything for spending all of the coins, which they earned with time put into the server, on crates and getting nothing special. it's something you choose to do and invest time into with hopes of a return, and sometimes that doesn't pan out. That is how it's supposed to work.

It's not even as if you *have* to do the "excessive" time dailies under the proposed system, you have around 5 days in a month where you can skip them completely.

The difference is that the grand majority of those events and crates are available for you to grind forever, whereas you just have one month for this. Additionally, you're speaking as if it would be the end of the world and that it would devalue your special monthly for someone to get an untradeable version of it, which doesn't make all too much sense to me. There is plenty of precedent set that says that's NOT how it's always supposed to work, like the crystal synergizer and shurikens. Both of those are guaranteed when you grind enough for them, or you could get lucky and get a tradeable version first, which is exactly how this proposed system would work.

What do you mean you don't *have* to do the dailies under the proposed system? What Dreadark said at the beginning of the thread is how I feel, if someone is dedicated enough to complete the dailies 25 times in one month, that should be enough. I don't know about you, but it's not always possible for me to be on to complete dailies EVERY SINGLE DAY of the month. Sometimes stuff comes up. You still have to complete 50 hours of work vs 60 hours of work, and 50 hours is plenty enough.

I speak all of this as someone who has already dropped my banner. I would hate to see the people that worked the hardest to get their item get fucked by RNG, when they're the ones most dedicated to the server. I don't feel like it would make my banner any less special, as theirs is untradeable and it doesn't affect me in the slightest. Everyone seems to be assuming that this change will mean EVERYONE will have the monthly item, when in reality it will only be the people that are dedicated enough to hop online and play 2+ hours for the grand majority of the days in that month. That's not going to be very many people.

Man, a one-time shot at an untradeable item if you spend an exorbitant amount of time and fail to obtain it, of which won't drop as a guaranteed if you actually got one before, for a one-time monthly event that's limited in the number of chances you get to do it is surely hitler's own idea. Absolutely ridiculous. Cannot even fathom.

There's a new one every month, and they will eventually come full circle(meaning they will become obtainable again). If you don't get one this month, you still have plenty of chances for the next just by passively playing, then if you don't like the one you may end up getting, you could sell/trade it for one you do want (or just flat out buy it with coins).
Quote:What do you mean you don't *have* to do the dailies under the proposed system? What Dreadark said at the beginning of the thread is how I feel, if someone is dedicated enough to complete the dailies 25 times in one month, that should be enough. I don't know about you, but it's not always possible for me to be on to complete dailies EVERY SINGLE DAY of the month. Sometimes stuff comes up. You still have to complete 50 hours of work vs 60 hours of work, and 50 hours is plenty enough.
He meant you can skip some of the time-sink ones and just not do them for that day.

I dunno though, you already get a ton of loot from dailies, so you're never just putting in all that time for nothing because of the loot/challenge scrolls and chances to drop other things alone, and not to mention that's not even the only way to obtain monthly items. If you don't care about the daily loot, then just sell it, save up coins and try to buy the monthly you want. There have been plenty sold in trade logs.

With how easy daily challenges are now, it's not far-fetched to think there will be quite a few people who will complete all of them for 25 days in a month. Just look at the completion rates, all of them having 30+ per day since the changes. Certainly doesn't align with 'very few will be able to do it' so I'm not sure what makes you think that, especially if they know it guarantees them the monthly, I can bet you that would be very good incentives for more than a select few players to put in the time needed in 4 weeks. Which by the way, isn't a bad thing for the server, it's just that making an item guaranteed can indeed make it less special.

Also keep in mind, not all monthly items will just be misc slot/utility items like the warbanner. I do not agree with having a guaranteed prim+ primary/secondary weapon, that's more than a gimmick/novelty item. If you haven't noticed, all of the guaranteed items are utility/gimmicky items. Something like the warbanner I see as fine as a guaranteed item, but something comparable to a high-end primordial for instance, would be bad to have guaranteed, so making 'em guaranteed would only limit what I can choose to do for monthly items. (Not saying I have plans to make any best-in slot primordial primary/secondaries or anything from monthly items, but I want to do some interesting stuff)

What I said on discord was tracking how many completions you did in a month, and when the next monthly comes up, you get a bunch of bonus rolls at the previous monthly depending on how many times you completed dailies.

(05-26-2019, 07:00 AM)Brassx Wrote:  There's a new one every month, and they will eventually come full circle(meaning they will become obtainable again). If you don't get one this month, you still have plenty of chances for the next just by passively playing, then if you don't like the one you may end up getting, you could sell/trade it for one you do want (or just flat out buy it with coins).

Enough said. This is more than fair.

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