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Further Discussion (Voting Open)

I nominate minecraft b5 for the shitlist. With more than 8 people your framerate quickly hits 30-45 territory.

I'd like to put ttt_artic_complex on the chopping block.

Its a giant map that leads to delay pretty often and has a lot of frame drops (above ground)

(05-10-2019, 04:19 PM)Alex Summers Wrote:  I'd like to put ttt_artic_complex on the chopping block.

Its a giant map that leads to delay pretty often and has a lot of frame drops (above ground)

It's a good dragon map and that's honestly the only reason it's on the server. It is 1 of like 3-4 super well balanced dragon maps.

I agree with you that it isn't good for ttt though.

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