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This needs to be made perfectly clear

Ok, so every time I'm on the server, I am constantly asked to do the following:

1) Fix my item because X broke it
2) Wipe our event cooldowns because X server broke
3) Can you fix this issue with X addon
4) Can you reimburse me due to X bug

And so on. Now, this needs to be made perfectly clear, I do not have authorization from Brassx to do any of the previous except fix addons if they were made specifically by me.

These addons include and may not be limited to:
  • Challenge Scrolls
  • Certain Crates(Hellfire, Crate of Misery I's/II's, Enhanceable Crate III)
  • Certain Godlikes that were made specifically by me
  • Server Hopper
  • Coinflip to some extent(with the wheel visuals, not the internal code/refunds)

And probably a bit more but those are the main ones, but these addons may also have limitations that I can NOT fix myself, such as the back end of the 50/50 code(how rolls are done).

Now, even if I made the addon, I do not have permission from Brassx to give refunds of any kind due to bugs. If you require a refund or need a bug fixed, please post it in bug reports either on the forums or on the server.

I am also going to make one more thing perfectly clear: I am no longer going to be answering any questions pertaining to drop chances. I have talked to Brassx and we have both agree'd that I should cease doing that from now on.

If you have any questions now on what I'm allowed to do for you, reply to this thread with it and I will answer whether or not it is in my jurisdiction to do so.

can you give me free moni

Hey can you reset my iod cooldown? Some nob threw it it's not fair

This is why you and brass aren’t equals

It should have been obvious (enough) to people that this was how it worked, but, alas, not everyone is clever.

However, I have asked Brass about broken hellfire/etc problems and he DID redirect me to you. I.E when you couldn't quick-swap to hellfire or from it properly, I was told to ask you about it.

hey tobi i didnt get anything good from my challenge scroll can you give me another one to do? thanks
also hey tobi the bunny crystal seems a little op like people can bunnyhop without any skill?? can you please remove it thanks
also hey tobi the finality seems kinda dumb like idc how rare it is having a passive that does damage to anyone nearby is dumb remove it please thanks
also hey tobi the hellfire crate doesnt give a lot of coin drops can you fix that so i can roll it more please thanks
also hey tobi the flereous is a really strong melee weapon can you kinda nerf it to make it not so strong? or just remove it thanks
also hey tobi
hey tobi
hey tobi

edit: also hey tobi can you buff kunais they're not that good atm and ive made a lot of threads with a lot of passion to try and change that so if u could look into that and change it thatd be nice please thanks
When a dragon round begins.


Hey tobi, mini went to get his haircut in the middle of a grims run. Can you just give me the undropped godlike? I know I would have gotten it that run if we didn't lose because of mini.

hey tobias can you please give me a refund on my 1000 flashback crates that i got from a survive run that bugged out so can you also reset my cooldown and fix all the survive errors ty

(01-06-2019, 07:04 PM)Terran Wrote:  It should have been obvious (enough) to people that this was how it worked, but, alas, not everyone is clever.

However, I have asked Brass about broken hellfire/etc problems and he DID redirect me to you. I.E when you couldn't quick-swap to hellfire or from it properly, I was told to ask you about it.

Yeah because i made that. As long as i made it i can fix it with no issues

I feel like the people who see this thread arent the people that genuinely think you can fix everything. When you run around with a “Code Developer” title, its easy to see why people not as involved with the community can think you have more power to fix things than you do.
(anyone else is probably trolling or looking for a vent outlet)
((can you fix shotgun procs and the oracles gross shield))

- That Thrakos Noob

fix my rng

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