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Jolly Crystal

Oh boy another jolly crystal thread!
Ive been playing since its changes for two hours and as a Traitor I wait for the people with the crystal to die or kindly ask my T buds to kill them.
The issue is that its a passive item that A) shakes the shooter's screen and B) does a lot of damage for an item that is passive.

First with the part that actually gets me heated.
I've been using an aug for a challenge scroll and it's miserable to fight against jolly crystal users just because of the scree shaking. When you take damage it acts as if you're being shot, and cool thats fine it makes me turn around now and then preparing to 180 the guy behind me who doesnt actually exist. But what's worse about it is that since it acts as if you're getting shot it moves your screen, making hitting shots that much harder.
This is mostly what has led me to ignore people with jolly crystals, because theyll be standing still and ill not be able to kill them in a clip or fast because my screen keeps shaking off their head.

Second is so-so, given it's the purpose of the crystal.
I was joking about it while i was gone for the weekend but wow it's actually pretty bad. Twice i've say gotten warrior with the aug, shot someone in the head 3 times to kill them (49 hs damage), just to proc every time and get me down to like 30% hp. And that's disregarding if I even killed them in a reasonable time or not due to my screen jacking around whoever im shooting.

Honestly, my proposals are either:
-Make the crystal work like a neurotoxin or whatever the hl2 thing is called. Keep its stats the same, but allow whoever is applied the damage to heal from all the damage the crystal gave them in 5-10 seconds. It keeps the crystal viable in a head-on fight, and it doesnt screw over someone's round for getting an unlocky proc.

-Reduce the chance to proc the damage. You can re-raise how much it does by a bit, but I honestly think a reduction to a 35% chance to reflect damage is fair.

-Remove the recoil taken from damage taken from the crystal. Ill still find myself complaining for sure, but the most irritating part is getting a kill jacked, losing half my HP and getting KOS'd because the crystal moves my screen around.
When a dragon round begins.


It's literally not even good anymore, I reflect about 10 damage tops to someone in a full fight.

Sounds pretty cancerous tbh

(12-24-2018, 09:25 PM)Terran Wrote:  Sounds pretty cancerous tbh

oh then you haven't seen people pair it with vitality
Umpty Dumpty

I've been reflecting ~ 30 damage sometimes, and that's a lot, considering you don't have to do anything.

From someone that has been using it, even when it was utter shit, I would say that is serviceable post nerf. I usually deal around 8-15 damage per round. Maybe 20, but that is pretty rare. Compared to the Jihn crystal, the Jolly is hardly anything (Not even counting the healing).

(12-24-2018, 08:17 PM)Fancy Jolly Typh Wrote:  Second is so-so, given it's the purpose of the crystal.
I was joking about it while i was gone for the weekend but wow it's actually pretty bad. Twice i've say gotten warrior with the aug, shot someone in the head 3 times to kill them (49 hs damage), just to proc every time and get me down to like 30% hp.

You're stretching the truth to make the Jolly crystal better then it really is.
49*.25=12.25*3=37 damage Max from the situation that you said. Thats if you're super unlucky and got the 13% chance of that happening to you. I don't know how you doubled the max damage it can do.

(12-24-2018, 08:17 PM)Fancy Jolly Typh Wrote:  Honestly, my proposals are either:
-Make the crystal work like a neurotoxin or whatever the hl2 thing is called. Keep its stats the same, but allow whoever is applied the damage to heal from all the damage the crystal gave them in 5-10 seconds. It keeps the crystal viable in a head-on fight, and it doesnt screw over someone's round for getting an unlocky proc.

If you really want to heal 8-15 damage over 5 seconds, sure why not? Or I could just use a jhin crystal, deal the same damage, and you can't heal from that (I don't care if I'm comparing a Godlike to a Prim). If anything I don't care if this was implemented.

(12-24-2018, 08:17 PM)Fancy Jolly Typh Wrote:  -Reduce the chance to proc the damage. You can re-raise how much it does by a bit, but I honestly think a reduction to a 35% chance to reflect damage is fair.

I've had plenty of games were it didn't proc. I've had games where it proced 3 times in a row. It's called rng. With this 50% chance I can expect it to work at least once or twice a round. It's like the Baneful tier, the chance to be great is there, but guaranteed ways are far better.

(12-24-2018, 08:17 PM)Fancy Jolly Typh Wrote:  -Remove the recoil taken from damage taken from the crystal.

You're making it sound like it flies off to the other side of the screen, but this should be like any other damage. I've faced with other Jollies and it isn't that bad like you're making it out to be. This is personal opinion and bias, but I disagree with it.

(12-24-2018, 08:17 PM)Fancy Jolly Typh Wrote:  Ill still find myself complaining for sure, but the most irritating part is getting a kill jacked, losing half my HP and getting KOS'd because the crystal moves my screen around.

You're making it sound better then it really is again. With the most recent nerf, there is a damage cap of 25% of the user's max hp (25-31 damage max). When you say it dealt half of your health, which is impossible, you must of one shotted them. I'm not calling you a lier, but you're REALLY stretching the truth to fit your agenda.

I was calculating 35% still, thats my bad.
And the situation im talking about i shot 2 AFKs — you and edit— killing both, but going from 125 HP to 40.

It could be true that the situation could be given to bad luck or people using it often because its new.
I’ll say then after spending a day fighting it that it’d be cool if it went back to 40 or whatever it was damage, and had the heal.
When a dragon round begins.


(12-25-2018, 01:36 PM)THEFINALRICK Wrote:  maybe the damage from jolly crystal would slowly come back like HEV suit poison? it immediately deals the normal damage, but a little bit later it regens itself. would fix the problem of people losing hp in a round for being good, and make it fair to the jolly crystal users too, because it would still kill them if they were low enough.

This honestly seems like a really good idea for it. It would help in immediate situations but if you end up winning the confrontation you get the health back as a reward over time.

Since im on mobile i cant quote
But its almost as if thats something i suggested :hyperthink:
When a dragon round begins.


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