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membership app

Age: 14

Steam Name(Current):Golden Woomy

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 202 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: i just found it durring ngt times and fell in love

Have you ever been banned and why?: 2 times, 1st was an accident involving a discombob, teenroom and being realy tired, 2nd i treid to get out of a gag again, very tired i worked out with unpoked and everything is fine now.

Why do you want to join?: i frequently enjoy the server and want to become part of it.

Referred by: Terran

Additional Details: this is my seccond form so please give more feedback

You should explain why you got banned along with if you have been or not, the severity could impact peoples + and - 1's.

It could be a bit controversial, but I think the guy is alright and I was there during the time he got a ban. It was an immature way to act, but it wasn't anything community damaging or actually toxic, just childish. I can't say for any other incidents, but going off of personal opinion I think he's a fine choice for Membership, acts polite and cordial from what I see. Personal opinion +1. He also took his previous membership denial well and made improvements, so my opinion is definitely +1. Nice lad.

well, i see why people think hes young and all, and agree with zombie about more info on bans and in general, but ive never seen woomy be toxic other than a bit of mic spam, which almost anyone with a mic does sometimes. but overall, i think hes more member worthy than some toxic older people on our server. +1, hope to see him on more and being mature and friendly, which is all we ask.

+1 pretty nice person ive seen him give many prims to new players too

More feedback?

- That Thrakos Noob

Denied due to no recent feedback. Feel free to re-apply.

- That Thrakos Noob

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