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Zarox Member App

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): Zarox

Time played on servers?: 189.07 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I was seeing less and less of the big names on NTG asked where everyone went. I was told they all moved to FRG

Have you ever been banned and why?: Not that I know of. I have played on and off over the years so maybe I have one, but I can almost guarantee that I have not been banned.

Why do you want to join?: I think the community is very fun and full of memes. I want to be a part of that.

Referred by: AJ or AJC1000 (does not play very much anymore)

Additional Details: I have 189 hours but I have been on and off over the years I have roughly 70 hours logged over the past few weeks.

good boy good event lord good member yes +1

+1 this guy is super chill and fun to play with. Give him member

+1 very fun to hang out and super good to be around with.
positive atmosphere when you'r hanging out with him on discord too!

Yeah, he's a good boy. Doesn't cause me any trouble and I don't see him doing anything to anyone else that'd be problematic. I like him! +1.

a good man, doesnt make a mess, and probably sell a p90 or 2 to me


"Beebee didn't even plus one me yet, feels bad man." ~Zarox 10:20pm 10/30/2018

He's been in the discord I'm in and he isn't a problem on the server at all. +1

Ill shoot this young man a +1 i have seen no issues with him

Zarox is a nice guy and doesn't seems to want to stir up trouble on the server so +1

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