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piam2900's unban request

Steam Name (Current): piam2900

Steam Name (During incident): piam2900

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70036128

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198100337984

Name of staff you were banned by: catbug (lengthen by eclipse )

Length of the ban: 1 week updated to 2 months

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: preferably shortened

Reason for ban: revenge rdm and leave

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes i did

What really happened?: i was being followed by skelecan and he was being really annoying and accused me with no proof of me being a t (i was one) ((i had not killed anyone)) and he told me to shoot him so i did and i was killed. next round i shot him and left before i put a hole in my monitor because he was antagonizing me during the previous rounds.

Additional details: He was karma baiting with spell book and agitation. He also taunted in the report>

This is so bare bones for a ban appeal. You only state what happened and that's all. You aren't showing me any reasons to shorten your ban at all in the slightest since you show no reasons of remorse or even being a bit sorry over your anger getting the best of you.

Denied. Try again in a week.

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