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[BUFF/NERF/CHANGE] Megathread of Gun Suffix/Trait/ETC chances

So, (this is TOTALLY not because I just found a Bouncy gun), but for a long time a lot of chances have been bothering me on guns.

Deagles, Shotguns and Rifles are hard-locked; at 8, 6 and 6 respectively. But...Why? Shouldn't chance be a bit more random?

I've seen HUGES that are 1 in 40, P90s that are 1 in 25, M16's with 1 in 15, etc. Something doesn't feel right.

Why do I have a Mac10 with a 1 in 9 chance, or a Bizon with a 1 in 12, but guns like the aforementioned P90/M16/Deagle have way out of balance chances? M16's are a high-damage, slow firerate gun. Their chances shouldn't be so high.

If anyone has opinions, please, post them below. But I think some changes should be made. Of course, not a UNIVERSAL change. I.E: Doubleshoot should always have a worse chance than, say, a suffix.

Let's do some comparisons.

I have a Galil with 34 bullets. It has a 1 in 12 chance to trigger a proc. Extremely high firerate. On avg., it 33% of the clip should trigger 1x, in the span of a second.
I have a Deagle with 8 bullets. It has a 1 in 8 chance to trigger a proc. Low firerate. On average, 100% of the clip should trigger 1x, but it'll take a few seconds for the firerate.
I have an AUG with 28 bullets. It has a 1 in 11 chance to trigger a proc. Very high firerate. On average, 45% of the clip should trigger 1x, in about a second.
I have a Shotgun with 8 bullets. It has a 1 in 6 chance to trigger a proc. Very slow firerate. On average, 80% of the clip should trigger 1x, but it'll take multiple seconds.
I have an M16 with 20 bullets. It has a 1 in 10 chance to trigger a proc. Average firerate. On average, 50% of the clip should trigger 1x, but it'll take a few seconds.
I have an M1911 with 7 bullets. It has a 1 in 11 chance to trigger on proc. High firerate. On average, 130% of the clip should trigger 1x, taking a few seconds (ignoring reload).

Slow-firerate weapons just seem bummed, but low-clip weapons do, too. The absolute top-tier are things like Bizons, Mac10's and Galils, which are just incredible for triggering suffixes. But, at the lowest end you have Shotguns, Deagles, M16's especially, which just don't really benefit.

An example would be a 1 in 10 corrosion on an m16 would be next to pointless, but a 1 in 10 corrosion in an AUG (which only has 8 more bullets) would be great. I understand that's intended more-or-less, but some things are BUMMED.

HUGES, for example, suffer from incredibly low damage, incredibly high recoil and incredibly poor "Chances". Now, again, I know this is for BALANCE, but that doesn't mean its actually properly balanced. HUGEs just suck in general, and removing their "Triggers lots of suffixes but is a shit gun" really doesn't benefit them.

AUGS/Vectors have some of the best "Base gun" "stats" of anything, followed by a variety, but I feel like things just don't work out well.

Now, I do NOT want to see, like, 1 in 3 doubleshoot shotguns or something stupid, but shotguns could have a 1 in 3 chance for suffixes or something. Here's some proposed chances:

Shotgun: 1 in 3 for DoT suffixes/etc, 1 in 6 for Doubleshoot/etc.
Deagle: 1 in 4 for DoT/1 in 8 for Doubleshoot
M1911: 1 in 5 for DoT/1 in 10 for Doubleshoot

Just as a comparison. Any opinions? I'd like to know what people think. I'm tired of the "suffix" meta being dominated by the high-clip, high-firerate weapons (Except for some, like the P90)

Again, i.e my Heroic Galil has like, 40 bullets and a 1 in 12 chance, a Heroic Bizon has like 45 bullets and a 1 in 12, but a P90 has like 55 bullets and a...1 in 25? Doesn't make sense.

p.s here's a picture of my bouncy, buff chance pls?
That M1911 has a 1 in 12 chance for a 1 in 9 clip, for a 20 damage ball. That's pretty bad tbh. Buff please?


the chances should be readjusted for certain guns since their clip sizes differ substantially. mainly for the m1911, huge etc

chances are kinda weird yeah.

+1 to all of those chance changes

- That Thrakos Noob

Uh yea honestly, +1

Please post your opinions though, like, I just randomly belted some crap out. The more Brass can see of what people think the better. Like, I could make a template I guess.

What do you think are good chances for these? Keep in mind rough averages that we currently have.

(the above thing is pretty much pointless without studying what we currently have and making averages, tbh)

If Brass could post something like the exact clip/chance average of guns, we could all garner a much easier opinion.

The only shotgun I've used with DoT is the first prayer, and the DoT on it is literal shit, like literally does no damage at all.
I dont know if that applies to all shotguns, but it feels terrible and thats really all i can speak for because I don't use anything else on this list lol

- That Thrakos Noob

+1, p90 needs to proc more

(09-08-2018, 11:59 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  The only shotgun I've used with DoT is the first prayer, and the DoT on it is literal shit, like literally does no damage at all.
I dont know if that applies to all shotguns, but it feels terrible and thats really all i can speak for because I don't use anything else on this list lol

Yeah, shotguns are "you're close enough? they die or you die", and the suffixes are pointless. Like, 1 in 3 would be good for suffixes, and 1 in 5 or 6 for things like doubleshoot t b h.

Chances don't adjust per weapon type inside the suffix itself. That would be far too tedious, and simply not worth the effort in the end (think about it, would have to do every single weapon type for every new trait added)

Instead, there's a list of suffixes/traits that has their chances auto-adjusted by some predetermined rules, which tries to keep things more fair. Some suffixes/traits simply have not been added to the system. The system is far from perfect but it lowers the work-load.

It factors in clip and firerate to try and adjust the suffixes chance to be more fair.

Also shotguns proc per-pellet.

Basically it works by looking at the clip size. If the rolled suffix chance is greater than the clip size, then it will adjust it as needed. But with the way it works, a lot of the base weapons tend to have the same chance determined based on the way it changes the number.

Next it looks at firerate, the faster the weapon is, the higher the chance (lower % chance to proc), but it only seems to apply right now to faster firing weapons.

Then there's the final checks. If the clip size is greater than the proc chance, but also 40 or more, then it increases said chance number (nerfs HUGE's and other high-clip weapons). It could definitely use some changes, but it's pretty rough to figure out a one-fix-all solution for stuff like this, but I'm sure I could come up with a better method now after all these years.

Current traits/suffixes affected by it:
  • Lookdown
  • Bleed
  • Double shoot
  • Phoenix
  • Corrosion
  • Contagion
  • Agony
  • Muffle
  • Ice
  • CCD Freeze
  • Deathbringer ball

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