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exinct/zodiac qol's?

inverse order of tartarus beam: make it implosion followed by the explosion, could still utilize being able to pull people off edges but also be able to centralize a crowd of people and damage them easier/ imposion should maybe not succ the user and have a bigger aoe

railgun: have some sort of signal of which shots will go through walls the same way it shows based off color which super-charged ones are did not know this already happened

ccd: make snowman toggle-able with no cooldown, give snowstorm the current snowman cooldown and duration while in snowman form. to balance, maybe make snowman health have to regen overtime at a sort've slow speed? also needs something else to it like we been talkin' about

thrakos: is cool, pretty well made but its the only extinct i can think of that makes a stat worse unless im wrong? stability gets worse by 3% which isnt anything huge but the stability has already been the worst part of the gun for the longest time

ascultone: ik i brought this up to you but it really is devastating to your karma, i just wish the beam alone didnt affect it but i can def see how thatd be abused in the wrong hands
i dunno what you can do for it, but its scary to use bc of that

mega seems good

gemini: doesnt have a cooldown, so might as well just make it toggle on/off permanently. also needs more to it imo, not many real suggestions for me there though, ik you said you couldnt make the guns glow and some of the cs models dont transfer over right, which hurts the purpose of it

stegosaurus: would rly like to enjoy the other half of the perk of this (the positive usefulness), aka events, would be neat if this was added soonish whenever you have time but it still feels like an incomplete ability without it

aquarius should prolly have a shorter cooldown although ive hardly played with it, also breathing would be a cool permanent passive (already done as well)

pisces walk on water should def be toggle-able or def not a 60 second wait

all my opinions tho, if you own one of these and think differently lmk

- That Thrakos Noob

allow koses for sagittarius and snowman freezes

Also add bakadog

(07-18-2018, 09:18 PM)Kuro Wrote:  allow koses for sagittarius and snowman freezes

i have brain damage

snowman freeze is kosable under the same terms as the black hole (must be directly effected by it OR witness someone die by it (although not really possible with this particular thing))

sagittarius being kosable would ruin any use it has in ttt and would probably cause a lot of rdm as there's no real way to see who's doing it

- That Thrakos Noob

Tartarus I agree with
Didnt know the railgun had that visual proc (i still cant tell the difference between a supercharge and normal shot lmao)
Thrakos is boss gun, imo the stability has never been an issue but ig it is pretty bad in default
I like joining to a 600 karma unpoke, stops him from rdming as much/ as easily
Megaladon op

Gemini being toggleable feels kinda useless. Perhaps give it another passive that goes along the twin idea.
Stego is unpoke saying "MAKING ZODIACS WORK IN EVENTS ALREADY". I agree.
Aquarius and Pisces both should stay the same but have lower cooldowns. I hate having to wait a minute to memewalk on water for 25 seconds/ turn into a fish.
When a dragon round begins.


I want to mention you don't have to activate the Aquarius effect to survive under water for longer. It's passive, all you need is your weapon out.

able to throw snowball while in snowman
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

(07-19-2018, 04:38 PM)cheny bedeney Wrote:  able to throw snowball while in snowman

i need more checkmarks

- That Thrakos Noob

snowman should r o l l snowballs that get bigger as they travel


because r o l l

i need to stop doing this

(07-19-2018, 06:49 PM)Dumpweed Wrote:  snowman should r o l l snowballs that get bigger as they travel


because r o l l

i need more x's
When a dragon round begins.


(07-19-2018, 09:43 PM)Fancy Typhlosion Wrote:  
(07-19-2018, 06:49 PM)Dumpweed Wrote:  snowman should r o l l snowballs that get bigger as they travel


because r o l l

i need more x's

youre just mad you cant come up with a better idea than r o l l

i need to stop doing this

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