(* Required or the application will be denied)
Where did you hear about this server?*: You and Jake10 Linked me.
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I don't actually have much of a good reason other then I enjoy gaming with you and Jake like we always have.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Possibly? I dont know if I am still a member but I was at one point a member.
Any other info: Dear Jake10 Below me, Please refrain from the threats on my application please.
Where did you hear about this server?*: You and Jake10 Linked me.
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I don't actually have much of a good reason other then I enjoy gaming with you and Jake like we always have.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Possibly? I dont know if I am still a member but I was at one point a member.
Any other info: Dear Jake10 Below me, Please refrain from the threats on my application please.