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Economy Update Suggestion Megathread

As we all know the economy update added in the Extinct Celestial tier, For those who have not played in a few days to obtain an "Extinct" you need to-

- Have one of these godlikes (Megalodon rifle, Candy cane deagle, Railgun, Tartarus, Ascultone)

- Acquire 10 godlikes shards (These come from dismantling ANY 10 godlikes)

- Use the Dyson Sphere Forge (Bought in the coinshop for 20,000)

I made this thread to compare extincts, and suggest changes thought of by myself and others in the community based on the strength of anything introduced in this update. Leave your suggestions in the comments, this does NOT have to pertain to only the Extinct weapons added in the update.

Megalodon Rifle - Changes made to this gun have been reported as "Higher shark damage" and faster firerate, The special ability of the gun, Called "Undertow" affects your screen in a dark blue and light green effect, making it hard to see and also applies a light DoT. This is regarded as one of the better exotic weapons.

Tartarus - Changes made to this gun have been reported as higher beam damage aswell as higher general stats. The special ability of the gun, fires the beam of the normal tartarus, however after a second of the beam hitting anyone and knocking them back it will pull anyone hit by it back into the center of the explosion. It is regarded as being powerful due to being a powerful weapon before being extinct but the ability is generally not regarded as game changing.

Railgun - Changes made to this gun have been reported as higher beam damage. The special ability of the gun, allows the beam to travel through walls. (Not always) It's inconsistent, but not a bad weapon. This is regarded as an okay extinct however one of the zodiacs you can obtain does not currently work on the weapon.

Candy Cane Deagle - Changes made to this gun have been reported as slightly higher stats. The special ability of the gun allows the user to become a snowman gaining speed from the ability to slide as if on ice, however you lose traction and control, You ice anyone around you slowing their movement speed, as soon as you are out of range it will end for them. The range is not very large. This is regarded as the worst extinct as being hit while in snowman form leaves you slowed a ton and vulnerable, You cannot fire in snowman mode, and you cannot exit it early. The basic ice block ability of the weapon has not been reported to be any better.

Ascultone - Changes made to this gun have been reported as slightly higher stats and faster beam flight speed. The special ability of the gun fires 3 separate beams that explode at the end of their flight when hitting something, The trails of the beam are similar to the glaedr and damage you over time. This is generally regarded as the best of the few

Thrakos - Changes made to this gun have been reported as slightly higher stats however boasts lower stability. The special ability of the gun is a DoT stormcloud which strikes the target with lightning. This is regarded as a good, but hard to control weapon with a "meh" trait.

-/Suggested Extinct weapon ability changes/-

Candy Cane Deagle: Press and holding R should allow you to leave snowman mode at any time.
Getting shot should not make you leave snowman mode.

Thrakos: More consistent damage, less potential for 100+ damage.

Railgun: Incorporating Pisces and allowing it to function.


Each extinct godlike comes with ONE of currently (4) zodiac traits.

-Pisces- Active: Knocks up the target with a splash.   Passive: Walk on water.

-Aquarius- Active: Creates a block of water which can extinguish phoenix.  Passive: Breath underwater longer using the active ability

-Gemini- Active: Creates a hologram clone of yourself mimic'ing whatever you do, Passive: Clone appears when firing your weapon.

-Sagittarius- Active: Can choose whether to buff or nerf the accuracy and stability of those around you. Passive: Have a permanent buff to accuracy and stability.

-/Zodiac changes/-

Sagittarius and Pisces are regarded as the better of the 4.

Gemini changes: Personally, I'd love to see Gemini's active to be changed to make the user "blurred" as they step, leaving a hologram each step they take that disappears immediately as if it was a haze.

Sagittarius needs a radius buff, There's not much use to buffing other peoples accuracy and the radius is very small to the point that nerfing everyones accuracy doesn't do much.

You forgot the thrakos on your little list at the top.

Glad to see its not a huge wall of text asking for EVERYTHING IVE MADE to be changed. Glad you guys seem to like most of it for the most part.

Everything is subject to change, so I'm down to rework some of it. But I do need a small break for a day or two (I'll still work on some stuff/fix things, but I won't devote 100% of my time to it).

I'm working on figuring out a better way to implement the water gush on the Railgun, but I'm not sure how. It doesn't really shoot enough/often enough for a proc on shot to really do anything for it.

I want to mention that you can use the new tart for more things:

(07-02-2018, 08:18 PM)Brassx Wrote:  You forgot the thrakos on your little list at the top.

Glad to see its not a huge wall of text asking for EVERYTHING IVE MADE to be changed. Glad you guys seem to like most of it for the most part.

Everything is subject to change, so I'm down to rework some of it. But I do need a small break for a day or two (I'll still work on some stuff/fix things, but I won't devote 100% of my time to it).

I'm working on figuring out a better way to implement the water gush on the Railgun, but I'm not sure how. It doesn't really shoot enough/often enough for a proc on shot to really do anything for it.

I want to mention that you can use the new tart for more things:

Knew, I was missing something. Oof.

Yeah everythings pretty great not too much to complain about!

Water knock up seems to work against the railgun, Perhaps giving it undertow as a twist for the railgun instead specifically?

Yeah the tart's new ability doesn't work against it but I don't know anyone who'd shoot above the target. Pulling someone who's not afk off would specifically be very hard and not work to anyone half competent. So not game changing but it can work for the tart with lining up headshots after the proc.

Can we get the epilogue's trait changed? It's so broken. I personally like when it PLACEHOLDEs, but I can't help but think it's a little too useful.

I dunno, I kind of like all of them where they're at, but it seems some zodiacs are kind of situational. Lots of maps don't have any situations where breathing for a couple more seconds has any benefit. Gemini doesn't really seem to work as well as intended. Glows give away the real one I've heard and I thought of the shadow phasing through walls to give it away instantly. Granted, the zodiacs don't really need to exist to make the weapon better, Just kind of fun extras.

Provided, we don't know if this is the full package. We don't know if there's more to these additional effects.

Also, Beebee kept saying that the extinct railgun's "the other side of the wall" beam itself wasn't doing damage, but the super charges ball on "other side of the wall"s wall did. Take that up to beebees word, not mine.

I miss lunar plane working like that.

For the Railgun on Pisces, make it combo with the supercharge shot.

Have it so there's a 1/2 chance (or guaranteed? if thats not op) for the supercharged shot to proc multiple gushes wherever it shoots. That, or give the normal beam a guaranteed gush, that way the user can control its abilities better due to low firerate.
edit: (^these suggestions are to keep the water gush there, given i like the way it works and dont want to just get rid of it)

If you're looking for something new, the railgun could have a wash effect. Such as a chance that when you hit someone, there's a chance they're effected by a "wave" that floods them backwards.
When a dragon round begins.


Pisces should work on Railgun now. 50% proc rate for the time being.

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