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Unban Request

Steam Name (Current):Cosmic Nova (WoGs)

Steam Name (During incident): Dont Know

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:45621428

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051508584/

Name of staff you were banned by: None Given

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: "Bitch"

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Well... not really but theres no real reason given

What really happened?: well I was P banned like... I bet this was 3-4 Years ago or something, On a halo looking map, I was young and going through alot and people were going hard bullying me, I had been publicly talking to another player about how I am Transgender and it set off several staff members, they all fucked with me to get me to either attack them or baited me. I think all I did was KOS an Inno because they were baiting me. I loved the servers back when I played. Im an adult now and I dont think there was any real reason for me to be banned perm. I doubt the staff member who banned me is still staff at this point, I just want to play on the servers again after such a long time.

Additional details: I really hope you guys will side with me in the current situation, seeing as I left for like 4 years, thats a pretty long ass time to wait.

That's an interesting story, given that (for the most part) the staff here are strictly chosen.

I'm going to go ahead and speak for other people and say this is a +0 until a staff member who perhaps can shed some light on the situation speaks up.
When a dragon round begins.


Don't worry, you're probably part of the 45%


It hasn't even been two years yet lol...

But anyways, here's all the information regarding your ban. The join server info box should probably be changed so it displays the correct information instead of just just saying "Bitch".

Fuck if I know what happened 2 whole years ago. Your story probably only has nuggets of truth. Either way though I probably banned you for a good reason and two years was plenty of time to learn your lesson. Unbanned.

I'm gonna go back in to hiding now

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