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Poll: Change/Remove Sliding Puzzles?
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NO more slide puzzles!

• They're not fun!!
• There's no reset option!
• They aren't a part of TTT!
• I literally can never solve them!


•) You can choose to take a "Kill X with Y Gun" challenge of one higher challenge scroll level, in exchange for skipping the sliding puzzle. (i.e easy to medium, medium to hard)

If you exit out of the Challenge and go back into it it will reset. I personally like the slide puzzles and prefer them over the scramble puzzles, which post people just ask what the word is anyways.

-1 Meh, they're not too bad.

Except the golem one, fuck him.

But, they are actually pretty easy... if we remove those might as well remove word scramble and riddles too.

Although I do agree a litte with the fix to "Take kill challenge"

Honestly, the only thing that I think should go away are the map specific ones. Kinda get screwed over if people don't want to go to said map.

Then please give us a way to skip it in exchange for something "Harder" to do. I -CANNOT- do slide puzzles. At all. I'll never be able to do them. Its not fun, and I hate it.

I've had to help people do 3x3s and 4x4s. C'mon. They're super easy. There's sites dedicated to solve these if you need to go that route.

I'd prefer these instead of getting another get 30 kills with x.

And even the map specific ones. The community has already figured out a majority of them already, and there's a wikia for the ones already solved.

That's good if you prefer them, that means its easy for you to do; but what about retards like me who can't do it? I don't want to have to ignore challenge scrolls forever because there's something I literally cannot do. This isn't fun, this isn't TTT. I don't like going to the lobby, sitting there for 30 minutes and realizing I can't do this. Yes, the challenge scrolls are "OPTIONAL", but I feel like I'm just being punished. I want to play TTT and do TTT stuff. If its not changed, I can simply sell my challenge scrolls from now on (Which is what I'll have to do), but I'd PREFER to do them. I REALLY enjoy having to use a weird tier or gun and get kills with it, its fun.

They're challenge scrolls because they're supposed to challenge you, lol. If you don't wanna be challenged, they probably aren't for you. Dailies/Fragment quests still exist to suit your needs if you want something special to do that's directly in TTT.
I personally hate puzzles (and have decided I'm not good enough for these scrolls) but a lotta people seem to enjoy them, and I'd rather have more variation through different means of challenges then every scroll be the basic "anagram or kills, which do I get," especially since anagrams aren't hard (for me at least).
Most of that last paragraph is just opinion tho.

- That Thrakos Noob

-1 I like the sliding puzzle.

But shouldn't it be a TTT-related challenge? I earn the item on TTT, I want to play on different TTT maps, do different TTT kill challenges, etc. Honestly, I know I'm bitching, but is there ANY harm with having it so that you can replace it with a HARDER challenge? If anything, people who like the slide puzzles have it way easier then. I'd rather get 60 standard rifle headshots than do a goddamn 3x3 puzzle. Its not fun, its not quick, its tedious and boring and I don't come on FRG or TTT to sit in the lobby solving bullshit.

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