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Poll: make jihads great
Yes, I like to jihad the infidels.
No, I prefer to crusade.
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Buff Jihads Please

They kill the Traitor and take their round! They should be decent!

I jihaded beside Tobias and only did barely half his life in damage, and jihads always suck!

you didnt kill me because i literally jumped behind a truck the second i heard it

they dont need a buff

Only if we slightly increase the base accuracy on shotguns to counter jihads.

TBH they could stand to be a little quicker, and maybe give x2 player XP or something. Most maps have so many angles it's hard to even do anything. Plus they have no quests to go with them, and people don't like giving up their round that they could spend leveling their enhanceables on a jihad.

(12-13-2017, 08:45 PM)Nivendo Wrote:  TBH they could stand to be a little quicker, and maybe give x2 player XP or something. Most maps have so many angles it's hard to even do anything. Plus they have no quests to go with them, and people don't like giving up their round that they could spend leveling their enhanceables on a jihad.

Then don't buy a jihad?

You aren't required to buy any T items when you're a T. You're suppose to buy them when the situation is right, not buy one just to buy one.

I miss the old NTG jihad where you would kill literally anything with a line of sight on you, that thing was worth a credit and it was made useless by any small obstruction

Absolutely hilarious when you played crummy cradle and would kill your t buddies on the other side of the map because jihad stronk

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