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Canabanalism membership app

Age: 23

Steam Name(Current): Canabanalism

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50 H 12 M

Where did you hear about this server?: Was invited by Fuzzy a few weeks ago

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: I'd like to join and be part of this server. watch it grow in size and see all the extravagant options that you wouldn't get anywhere else

Referred by: McNuggie

Additional Details: Id eventually like to climb higher in the ranks when I feel like im better known around the server. But as of now I'd be happy just to be part of the member base and have as much fun as i possibly can!  (sidenote: WOOHOO FOR GODLIKES!)

+.5 Is very active, needs to work a bit on being helpful and kind to people.

Lucky as heck.

+1 hes a really cool guy and a good friend
Love me <3

McNuggie Member Applicant Ranking System

may or may not be a copied/poorly edited version of the staff applicant ranking system


Disclaimer : "The following is purely from McNuggie's perspective and does not necessarily represent facts or FRG community thoughts, and is subject to change"

The scoring system is with 5 being the best, and 1 being needs improvement.

1. Does the player frequently play on the server: 5
2. Is the player active on the forums: 3
3. Does the player know the rules: 5
4. Will the player represent the server well as a member: 5
5. The player does not troll: 5
6. The player has/uses his mic: 5
7. Communication skills: 4
8. Respects other players: 4
9. Respects staff: 4
10. Fun to play with: 5
11. Does the player show potential for staff in the future (for reference): 4
12. Is the quality of the players application showing that the player is serious about becoming member: 3

Score: 52/60

Grade: B (86.6%... not bad!)

Final Notes: Canabanalism is someone who I have only recently started to meet, and I have in that short time gotten to know that he is a great person, and is somebody that is here for the community and will stay by the server no matter what. Cana is a great person, a great friend, and is simply an excellent choice for a member, and I hope that he is one of the next promotions. He stated that he hopes to go further than member, and he could definitely go past member, I've never once had to deal with him breaking any rules, and he expressed how much he wanted member to me, and it really shows in how he plays. He is a responsible grade A (well.. b according to my system) person in this community. LARGE +1.

unless my opinion or help is needed, I wouldn't really have much to say on the forum. Maybe the odd idea or something comes up but that is pretty much it. Don't really feel like my words mean much to anyone anyways. As for the application, other than the typical ass kissery, what could I add to fill it out more. I just would like to be part of a helpful team of individuals that will better help this server reach its full potential. If that means being a stepping stone at some point so be it.


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