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Curious about your opinios

So just out of complete curiosity I want to know your guys opinions on people kneeling during the National Anthem. Are they being disrespectful or just voicing their opinions, do they deserve to go to jail or should they be given medals.

I personally believe what they are doing is extremely disrespectful. Men and women go out and die for them to be able to kneel during the anthem. And they have the audacity to kneel during the anthem for the flag that those people died for. Yes it's their right, but just because the president isn't doing what they want mean that they can disrespect the lives of the people who fight for them

Don't even start with this. Politics or topics related to politics don't belong on a gaming forum(Others and I have learned this the hard way)

If you really want to discuss politics, go to /pol/ or reddit.

Yeah this really isn't the place for this, I don't want a shit ton of die-hard politic enthusiasts shitting on opinions on a gaming forum

Just delete this stupid ass thread.
SG Fucking Overlord

This is in the off topic section so I mean it is kind of the right place, and now if people were smart enough to realize it was just a simple question. It completely follows the forum rules too as the rules don't say no politics and stuff. It's just an opinion, if people can't react maturely to someone else's opinion, especially members and higher, why are they even that rank.. It was just a curiosity thing, no need to get all triggered over it.

They can do what they want since they have the freedom of speech as the rest of the Americans. If people say "oh they are celebs and are only supposed to be doing what we want them to do", they are extremely ignorant. I never stood for the pledge when I was in high school because I have my own right to do so.

The military fought to protect our rights and they are putting their rights to their own uses as they were intended to be used for. You can be butthurt all you like, they are doing what they believe in, not what you believe in.

This isn't a place for politics, even in off-topic.
Not everyone on FRG is American so they wouldn't particularly care, and this being a touchy topic could easily turn into a flame war or harsh feelings.

In order to prevent that from happening, we typically don't allow politics here. You're free to spark conversation elsewhere such as private chats or PMs.

- That Thrakos Noob

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