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Patrioic Joey Rdming

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Patriotic Joey

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:38349436

Map the event happened on: gm_headlong

Date of event: 7/12/2017 11:00 AM CST

What Happened?: Essentially Patriotic rdm'd me two rounds in a row by killing me off of location and gun.

Witnesses: Recorded


The recordings show clear evidence and i think he should be punished... since it doesn't look like any staff was on at the moment, i think he should be given two slays.

I agree that joey should be punished because he kos off a weapon, kos of location, and RDM a T 2x. The video gives us clear evidence that he did that.

(Thank you 2koreds for recording this.)

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