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Quality of life for Mem+

Super simple suggestion that will increase the quality of life for member+ without giving too much power.

Allow Member+ staff members to have ulx gag and ulx mute. These are hardly noted as abused commands and are incredibly useful for staff members to have access to. Recently there have been many people trolling and screaming racist slurs or mic spamming altogether that the staff online at the time could not handle due to the limited permissions.

Can't really be abused, can stop some simple annoyances.
Need I say more?

They have limited permissions because they're not staff, and the command can be easily abused.

I feel as if votekick atones for this enough as it is. I don't support +Mems having gag/mute commands. They aren't staff and aside from slays, everything should be voted upon.

- That Thrakos Noob

it probably could be useful for times when moderators or above arent on but like unpoke said, mem+ arent staff. they dont really need too much power.

Then we need a rank in-between Member+ and Moderator. There's not too many active mods. Let alone admins. Things get out of hand quick. There's a shit ton of Member+'s that are good enough to have a little bit more power. But not mod. Too many times I've played with no admin, mod online. Server is near full. hectic mic spammers. Troller's. yelling the N word in chat. (Also vote kicking fucking sucks) Exp. isn't you need 75% of the server to +1 a kick/ban in votes. I've had insane votes fail because of it (14/20 Votes Yes. Decline Vote-kick) Or whatever it says. It's awful honestly
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

If there are +Members who you feel is trustworthy to have more powers, pleaee encourage them to apply. It never hurts.

- That Thrakos Noob

Just wait until I get back.

maybe a mem++, slightly more powers than mem+, less powers than moderator, meant to have more of them to be more active when mods and admins arent on?

Votekick/voteban are pretty trash to use, if a few people are causing problems without staff they just need 3 people to vote no to continue to troll. If there's any AFKs it counts their votes anyway and there's been so many times a majority vote just doesn't go through.

Even when staff aren't on in my experience we can always get one person on to deal with it, and in my experience as a staff member handling those problems the community are relatively quick to try to get someone on to deal with it.

I don't agree with letting member+ getting access to those commands, and if there's any +members that think they should have it I would urge you to apply for moderator instead and make yourself useful in that sense

I think we would be much better off fixing the voting system or making a new system because currently it just does not work.

vote gag for 5 minutes when

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