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amac - Membership Application

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): amac

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 400

Where did you hear about this server?: I've known about this server since it was created. (NTG)

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, a 2 week ban for racism.

Why do you want to join?: I know pretty much everyone in the community, and I know the rules as well. I'm a very active player on the server, and I feel like I've been around long enough to become part of this community.

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: I've been around a while, and I think it's about time I make one of these.
Please give me your honest feedback!
(also, has anyone seen my dad?)

Amac isn't a member? Although you didn't get the Ferno after your dumb luck 2 gemstones incident, I'll still give you a +1.
I still think that ban wasn't warranted.

You'll find out who your dad is on the next episode of "Is amac going to become member?"

(04-04-2017, 04:15 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  Amac isn't a member? Although you didn't get the Ferno after your dumb luck 2 gemstones incident, I'll still give you a +1.
I still think that ban wasn't warranted.

You'll find out who your dad is on the next episode of "Is amac going to become member?"

R u ok? his ban was warranted. But he's better now
Sure. Im ok with him being Member Again.
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

+1 is a good boy

(04-04-2017, 05:31 PM)Rotshout Wrote:  +1 is a good loli
SG Fucking Overlord

+1 Amac is a great son, and I loved when he shot me in the head with his deagle and now I am locked in a closet please help

Yea, Amac changed his act. +1
Umpty Dumpty

+1 baemac is a great candidate for member

He's a cool dood and I think it's safe to say he has proven that he can be trusted again. +1

lol idk why he doesnt have meme +1 hes a cool guy

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