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Bathory - Member app (Formerly known as Kheyre)

Age: 24 (ripperino guys im getting old :<)

Steam Name(Current): Bathory

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 343.15 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: From brass himself when he made it, over at NTG.

Have you ever been banned and why?: At this point I might get perma'd if grass reads this app. But other than that I cant recall any major bans, maybe 1-5minute ones when staff are being playful and banning me as a joke... *Cough* you know who you are *Cough*

Why do you want to join?: Someone thinks I'm a member on the FRG Discord but I cant shatter their hopes and dreams by telling they are wrong. (They took it away as i was posting this :<)

Referred by: Mysterious stranger who gave me the member rank on discord I guess. I bet others here would vouch for me.

Additional Details: Im Kheyre, been around for a while, been gone a while. Nocturnal is my tier, I wanted to rename it "Godlike" to troll people but it was denied.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

+1 been here 4ever and way pay 50 hr mark good player sumtimes

i remember back in NTG, you stuck hardcore to the rules and everyone got 12/10 salt about anything and everything you did. was sad.
but you're a cool guy. i like you, and even though i dont play hardly at all anymore, based on how you've seemed to be i'll gladly +1 this. Smile
When a dragon round begins.


nice guy, follows rules
Umpty Dumpty

+1 dont know why he isnt already, but hes been here for quite a bit and follows the rules
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


+1 he has been here for very long and is very fun to play with on the server

I gave you member since I honestly thought given how long you've been here and how familiar I was with you that you were a member.

So you can add Kheyre to the list of people I thought were always members but never applied for it if someone is keeping track.

(+1 how are you not a member yet you've been here as long as I have??)

Been here since beta days, always good to play with and follows rules, give the man member.

I would love for you to be member. But you arent very active at all...
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

Who needs to be active for the Membership rank? That seems silly. Just stick me at Guest, then.

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