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Let's talk

The M1911 wow. great, new secondary. except its stronger than literally everything. its honestly really really powerful. maybe a little...too..powerful. a good list for example. beach's does 63 HS damage. wow. thats a decent amount. add the fact that you can literally spam the thing into the next realm and we have a problem. it does too much damage for how fast it can be shot. its more reliable than a mac10. *HS HS* done. that fire-rate needs a nerf in my opinion. you shouldn't be able to shoot that fast with the gun and do massive damage. its cancer.
Honestly My opinion though
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

It's kind of the same thing with the frostburns to be honest, except they do 88 headshot damage compared to 63...I get they're super damn rare and all, but that doesn't excuse them for being ridiculously overpowered. If someone with even a little bit of skill(no offense seto and nield) got their hands on one, the whole server would probably be dead in one clip.

I'm just surprised that the whole server isn't using macros for frostburns and m1911s yet...

Now back to the M1911s, +1 for some kind of nerf. People literally just sit there and tap as fast as they can, and get really lucky headshots on you. Not to mention their pullout time is almost instant..

In all honesty, I agree with Leo on the M19's current state in TTT. However, with my experience of using one, I have found times where hitting someone is almost impossible. Whether it be my bad aim, sub-par gmod hitboxes, or just me spamming too much. The gun does do absurd damage for as fast as it fires, 27-30 on body and 13-17 on limbs. I can 4 shot body shot a person, if each shot hits the body's hitbox that is. I don't quite know how to balance the weapon, but I feel that maybe the firerate should be an actual factor on its spamability, and maybe headshot damage be reduced to that of a smg or something equivilant. So instead of two shot headshots, making it 30-40 headshot damage. I feel this would be a fair nerf and it is a deserving one. I plus one +1

i also forgot to mention how easy it is to make a macro for a rapid left click and shoot like an automatic. my mouse came with a button that i can hold and it rapidly press's the left click. making me shoot godly speeds
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

I think 2 shot hs is fine on m1911 but if beach beans is right about 30 body shot damage that does seem a bit too high to me it doesn't seem right that my deagle does less body shot then that...

Well, let's look at some comparisons of the base weapons.

Normal pistol:
  • 20 bullets per clip
  • 0.38 Second delay between shots.
  • 25 Damage
  • Default headshot multiplier of 2.0, giving it a 2 shot headshot.
  • Accuracy cone 0.2 (bigger number = less accurate)

  • 7 bullets per clip
  • 0.10861111111111111111111111111111 Second delay between shots.
  • 22 Damage
  • 2.2 headshot multiplier giving it a 3 shot headshot by default
  • Accuracy cone 0.25

The firerate shouldn't really allow super insanely fast macro'd shots, that is, shots faster than something like a MAC10. But it definitely should be slower than you are claiming it can be fired, so I will likely make it a bit slower seeming as it doesn't seem to be working as intended.

When stat bonuses from weapon tiers come into play the weapon becomes trickier to balance, as with any weapon.

Keep in mind, the default M16, a fully automatic weapon, is also a 2 shot headshot.

I should note that the Frostburns firerate is slower than this, and shouldn't beable to be macro'd, but the headshot damage definitely needs to be toned down.


Proposed new m1911 stats:
  • 7 bullets per clip
  • 0.15 Second delay between shots(makes a pretty big difference, gmod is really fucking weird with this).
  • 20 Damage
  • 2.2 headshot multiplier giving it 44 headshot damage.
  • Accuracy cone 0.25

I am quite alright with a slower firerate.
the thing with the m16 is. its firerate. is relatively slow compared to the m1911 giving the pistol a huge advantage rather than a m16. with the right stats. it can 2 shot hs

A terranable m1911 2 shot hs's me. making a terranable actual usable...i mean. what? terran. love you. but your tier is garbo
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

I forgot to note: Using macros to increase firerate is not allowed. It's an unfair advantage to players playing legitimately, and perhaps I'll use Runescape's 'made up' 1:1 rule. 1 action = 1 output, For game interactions.

I'll perhaps code detection methods for this and warn them to disable it/warn staff they have it enabled if it's still being abused, it's not a major offense, it's just a bit scummy like that crouch jump spam script people had.

The nerfs for this are live by the way, I'm not too sure if the firerate made a big difference on the official TTT server. But on mine it was a big difference, GMOD is VERY weird when it comes to that. Possibly the tickrate differences I guess.

Hey brass. How do I unbind it from my mouse? I've always had it. since I've got it. Never used it until the m1911. But if its not allowed. i'd rather get rid of it. than it be a problem. It kinda just works in every game. Not like something I Bind in game
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

(01-12-2017, 07:35 PM)Cuckbois2001 Wrote:  Hey brass. How do I unbind it from my mouse? I've always had it. since I've got it. Never used it until the m1911. But if its not allowed. i'd rather get rid of it. than it be a problem. It kinda just works in every game. Not like something I Bind in game

well depending on the mouse you have, it should have came with software to change all the settings on the mouse

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