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Thumper - Membership Application

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): Thumper

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 157 Hours, 40 Minutes

Where did you hear about this server?: Random server I clicked on

Have you ever been banned and why?: Once, a couple days after my joined the server for revenge RDM

Why do you want to join?: I want to become a member because I only play FRG and I'm on constantly. I like the community and everybody makes TTT a really fun game mode to play.

Referred by:

Additional Details: My last Membership application two people said I RDM a lot. I have tried not to go trigger happy and RDM people. I feel as though I haven't had to be slayed to many times recently.

dont see you on much these days neutral at this point until I see you on more and confirm you are more apt to follow the rules now Smile

Thumper can get a little out of hand sometimes, but overall, he's a cool guy who knows the rules. +1
Umpty Dumpty

Rdms a lot, but seems like knows the rules? +-0

(12-31-2016, 01:43 AM)Bezerker Wrote:  Thumper can get a little out of hand sometimes, but overall, he's a cool guy who knows the rules. +.5
When a dragon round begins.


-1, You RDM quit a bit and constantly traitor bait / karma bait.

you seem to be quite pesky in the sense that when you feel someone's done you wrong, you take it into your own hands. pretty sure i remember you revenge rdm some dude
otherwise, you seem fine. +0

He knows the rules, thats a plus sure, but the issue here is he knows them and therefore baits the fuck out of them and loopholes on the edge of a kinfe along them CONSTANTLY. Every other time im on or join in, i see RDM and bait and sometimes revenge RDM.. Angel when staff is around, but ive seen both sides... -1
Vanished from life

I've seen a few incidents that I'm not too fond of. That, and some of the comments here^^. Re-apply in a month or two!


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