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Barnacle T item

Traitor weapon
This traitor weapon acts exactly as a Half Life barnacle would, where it pulls you up and eats you.
Note: The barnacle in this pack pull up slower.
Pros (to Traitors):
  • Place it on a roof and you can let it do the rest.
  • Kills Innocent/Detective. Doesn't eat Traitors.
  • Doesn't let the victim attack it while they're being eaten.
  • Barely visible when it isn't eating people.
  • Can buy multiple (or atleast on another server, I could buy as many as I could credits).
  • Good for when innocents are isolating themselves.

Cons (to Traitors):
  • Kill-able.
  • Takes time for victim to be pulled up if the barnacle is at a high spot.
  • Victim can voice chat to call out that they're being eaten and where it is.
  • When innocents move into it from the side, they won't move through it, so they'll know somethings there and attempt to shoot and find it.
  • Leaves a body.
  • When it's eating, it is entirely visible.
  • Doesn't eat another person for a while after eating someone.
  • When being eaten, it damages them slowly (~15 damage maybe) every second.
  • Innocents can shoot the barnacle to help the victim.

Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=770193734&searchtext=Barnacle+TTT
Unfortunately, I could only find the weapon in a pack of T weapons, but they're also good T weapons (and some D items). Unsure of if you can disable the other items. According to the author of this pack, it should be able to disable them.
Quote:Vizzys  [author]
im just using the plasma nade from this atm so no

This was my favorite T item on any TTT server, I know really good placements for alot of maps.


Guess I should've looked, but at least it isn't a complete repost as I gave reasons why it could be used.

(11-26-2016, 06:42 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  Guess I should've looked, but at least it isn't a complete repost as I gave reasons why it could be used.

I had similar reasons but yours is formatted better. It was also in one of my favorite TTT servers (420 TTT) but it died.

It was in two servers that used to play before they became unpopulated. Such a good item.

This looks incredibly fun. +1 for add.

I'd love to see this too. Could be pretty funny watching people get pulled up.

(11-26-2016, 11:07 PM)Nate || Best Awper Europe Wrote:  I'd love to see this too. Could be pretty funny watching people get pulled up.

It is really funny to watch people getting sucked and fucked

It seems pretty cool but I think it would need to be better than the default Barnacle in half life 2... like maybe faster or something? All i know is it was almost impossible to die in half life 2 unless you tried to get killed by one, so people would never buy it if it was trash.

Keep in mind, you aren't able to use weapons on these ones, and must rely on other peoples help.

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