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RDM With Barrel

Recently I was playing on Community Pool. It was my first T round in forever and I ran to jump down into the water past the main entrance. Somebody had blocked all the water with explosive barrels and I died. I asked who did it and Umbreon said that ContentShadow did it as he was down there with him. I report Content and he claims he never did it. Nothing happens with my report and Mary asks how I knew Content did it. I said Umbreon told me. I don't know if she decided to void this or just didn't see it. I continue on later on the same map.

I decided to do the same thing. I held a barrel out when somebody jumped down. The first time I did this it killed Beach Beans. Beach was angry as it was his first T round in a while. He reports me and I basically told him what I said in the first paragraph. He decides not to forgive me and I get slain. Before I was slain I said it was bullshit that I was getting slain when Content did the same exact thing to me. Mary proceeds to yell, or what I assume was yelling as she typed in full caps, that she asked me multiple times how I knew it was Content and I said Umbreon told me. Again she voids this again and I get slain.

I quit after this because I was pissed at this. I may be completely in the wrong, but this irritated me. Thoughts?

I never saw your response in chat, but that doesn't mean it wasn't said. Maybe you said it when you were dead and I was alive. I did see Mary tell you numerous times to explain what happened. Again, not saying you never explained, but probably just missed it or the dead chat thing.

I asked you several times because I had JUST logged on when you reported so I didn't see anything. I asked you multiple times in chat, and yeah, I suppose I didn't see your response with 15+ people on.

However, I'm PRETTY sure you doing it to someone else isn't the correct way to solve it either.

I can't help you if you can't help me understand the situation when I wasn't present at the time. I did put CAPS lock on because I thought you might see my questions then, I still got no response so I said screw it.

Aresuft handled the report though, talk to him.

Also I believe Umbreon and Content have a little fight going on, so maybe one blamed it on the other, who really knows. I wasn't on at the time to see it, so I can't really do anything in my own opinion.

See Thumper, the difference here is when it was done to you, noone was holding the barrel, and you had no proof as to who did it. When you did it to someone else, it was completely malicious because you were upset someone did it to you, and you were stupid enough to get caught.. does that clarify your situation?

edit- probably didn't need to post this, it just infuriates me that so many people now-a-days will get so upset over an injustice done to them, that they will set out to perform the same injustice to someone else, doesn't ever matter who they do it to.

(11-20-2016, 10:44 PM)Mougwi Wrote:  See Thumper, the difference here is when it was done to you, noone was holding the barrel, and you had no proof as to who did it. When you did it to someone else, it was completely malicious because you were upset someone did it to you, and you were stupid enough to get caught.. does that clarify your situation?

As I told you in the report I was upstairs the whole time at least I think (my Brain only remembers important stuff but kinda remembers some other stuff) and I discussed this with my friend and I usually destroy all the barrels at the bottom so no one dies then I go to the tester and wait but we need all sides of the story to find this out

(11-21-2016, 05:02 PM)ContentShadow Wrote:  As I told you in the report I was upstairs the whole time at least I think (my Brain only remembers important stuff but kinda remembers some other stuff) and I discussed this with my friend and I usually destroy all the barrels at the bottom so no one dies then I go to the tester and wait but we need all sides of the story to find this out

We need all sides of the story but the only side missing is yours because you forgot? That's pretty convenient, you may have a future as a politician

My perspective on this as a staff member is that if I can't fully prove it was a person responsible (through damage logs, personally witnessing, etc) I would not slay them.

If a report says "you killed someone with a barrel" and their response is "no I didn't" it is your word vs theirs and if I'm unable to prove otherwise the report is null.

Thumper you deserved a slay because you were responsible for getting beach killed, you yourself admit that.

It's not clear whether or not Content was responsible for you dying and of course you'd be angry if you think he was and wasn't slain for it. But it's not right to do it to someone else just because it happened to you.

You know, an eye for an eye?

I meant umbreon side of the story

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