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Patchnotes 11/2/2016

Survive Changes
  • Reduced overall zombie count by 25%
  • Adjusted zombie movespeed formula to increase their mobility quicker.
  • Added headhot column to the scoreboard.
  • If you D/C you will now save your kills, points, deaths, and headshots.
  • The energy wall attack emitted from the miniboss will now reduce your ammo by HALF if touched. (As well as damage you).
  • Fixed fast zombies not counting towards kills.
  • Weapons now randomize every 5 rounds (after round 10).
  • Ammo purchased on the walls now slightly scale depending on the round. Starting after round 15.
  • After round 14, fast zombies will now periodically spawn during normal waves.
  • Fixed deaths counting multiple times.
  • Updated the map to v5 to fix a few exploit spots.
  • You can no longer walk through fast/shadow zombies. The staff should also hit these now too.

Expect more changes through out the day. I am currently working on some new mechanics for Survive, and a handy new Inventory feature.

Cannot wait to try these!
Umpty Dumpty

Sweet. This should allow for quicker rounds so I'm ready to beat our last record Smile

The energy wall attack emitted from the miniboss will now reduce your ammo by HALF if touched. (As well as damage you).


Whoo... so now more zombies to get glitch/stuck inside till they kill ya. X3

I tried using the railgun, it's good for clearing out large groups due to the piercing, but you run out of ammo quickly if you aren't careful. Also, the super-charged shots can set zombies on fire.

Also, the super-charged shots don't do self-damage. I'm not sure if it's a bug or intentional, but it's nice and I hope it stays.

Yay more mobs to get stuck inside of and die. Charples are going to teleport inside of you while you're kiting and thats rip. I honestly thought being able to go through charples was fine because they have an easy time getting behind you.

I honestly thought it was intentional to be able to walk through the shades since they're basically ghosts.

I'm okay with not being able to walk through fast zombies but I honestly want getting stuck to be fixed, especially on the boss.

Zombies should corner you to kill you, not just have one walk into you and then you die

Getting stuck on them is pretty difficult to fix. I've everything I can think of to try and fix it, I can not do so without completely breaking the bullet hit detection.

We all know this happened when that GMOD update launched that completely fucked over nextbot collisions. You would get insta-stuck in rats in Grim's Labyrinth. It was painful, the only way I have found to fix it is to disable collisions all together, but then that makes things too easy. I have the collision bounds as small as possible without completely destroying the hitreg (the collision bounds should try and cover most of the model, any part of the model sticking outside of this box can not be shot, but if the bounds is too big you will get insta-stuck inside the bot. Too small and no shots will hit)

I just don't wanna have a Charple tp into me and get me stuck Confused
Umpty Dumpty

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