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Taking Suggestions

I am taking suggestions on two different things I plan to work on. I have the map, ttt_frg_hotel, that I'm working on, and some large empty rooms that I'm not sure what to put in them or make the room about. Secondly, I am planning, during my break due to the loss, to work on 3D modeling with Blender, because I'm absolute trash at it. So if I get enough practice, I will take suggestions for customizable player items (for your model) when I feel I'm good enough to make something of that matter for FRG. Because trashy work isn't deserved on an amazing server like FRG.

With that being said...

These are what I'm looking for when I ask for suggestions on the maps empty rooms.
  • It's a semi-large sized room. Think of the community_pool map, where the pool is. That size is about how big it is.
  • Please take it seriously. I will completely disregard any suggestions that are related to flaming players, or suggestions that go against guidelines (such as porn).
  • I will credit the person's suggestion that I choose within the map.

Model Suggestions
While I'm not going to actively make one of these suggestions into a project, I will (simply put) attempt to create what you suggest inside Blender, in the most efficient way. If I like the way one of these said suggestions comes out, I will notify you that I might suggest it for the server as a player item, and credit you with the idea.
  • Be original.
  • Don't ask for something with a very complex shape, as I said I'm trash at Blender.
  • Be creative! Don't just ask for a cube.. which makes me want to make a Rubix Cube.
  • Don't ask for a Rubix Cube. 'Cause I'm already making it now.
  • No porn-related items.
This is what I'm looking for, in a nutshell.
"Make one of the rooms an indoor gym room, and try making a Sans head/mask (from Undertale) Big Grin"
"Try a pool room, and maybe make a doll or figurine for the model!"

That kind of stuff.

Thank you for reading.

I think every room should have a bed somewhere, it's a hotel right?

Instead of a room themed in one way, maybe make every room the same with some small variation depending on the person?

Make every single floor a different layer, each floor will get fancier and nicer as you go up.

I wanted to suggest a room with a bed on the ceiling, maybe do something fancy with the light

Can there be a room with an umbreon somewhere. Also I love the concepts you have here so keep at it!

how about if the hotel doesnt have a reception center or what ever its called, the place u go to get ur key for the room u want to go in, make on of the rooms that with maybe a small off branch to like a breakfast room and have the main room have waiting areas and a chandelier, and maybe a statue in of someone? like someone from the underworld of pain and suffering? someone like a reaper...

isn't this like the 3rd thread on the same map xD

add some porn

- That Thrakos Noob

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