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NeroLeeGaming Membership Application

Age: 15

Steam Name(current): NeroLeeGaming

Time played on server?: 104 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I Found this server when I was playing another server with inventory system. So I wounder if there was more servers like this one. I started to look for other servers with inventory systems. I just happen to find FRG TTT server and enjoy it inventory system.

Have you ever been banned and why: I don't think I ever been banned and I plan to keep it that way.

Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I want to become apart of this great gaming community.

Referred by: None

Additional Details:As a player on the FRG TTT server I feel like I follow all of the rules. Though most admin and member don't know me very well I enjoy play on the FRG server.


I have never even heard of you... you must not make your presence known too well...

I dont think many are familiar with who you are including myself, have not seen you on before. -1 until you are more active and better known by the community.

i liked you when you played, as stated above you're hardly seen anymore so +0

Denied. Re-apply when you're more active!

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