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Mougwi's Political Palooza

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
- Emma Lazarus

America was founded on the basic ideology that all men are created equal and that everyone should have the chance to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Too often in these times do we see these simple truths being denied to our fellow man. It is the actions of our leaders that these freedoms granted to every man woman and child are being shredded away, slowly but surely.

This election year is going to be the most dangerous we have seen. On one hand we have a man with zero political experience and renowned for telling people that they are "fired". On the other, we have an life long politician with a reputation for dishonesty and a failing health condition. Both are being shoved down our throats by our "major" political parties. Well they have failed us. Neither are fit to run this country.

I do not expect much from this shit post, just a glimmer of hope that those of voting age will be able to pull their heads from their memes for long enough to realize the true problems plaguing this great nation of ours. This election we have a chance to remove the elderly, wealthy few who are driving this country to its knees. This election, we can take back our land.

I am open to all matters of discussion, anything I can do to shed light on this fucked up world we live in.

I'm voting for Justin Trudeau. You know it's kinda fun watching from Canada. Good luck with that reality show you guys call an election.

Those of voting age will be able to pull their heads from their memes for long enough to realize the true problems plaguing this great nation of ours.

You can never separate me from my memes.

Kind of a bias since you've obviously said you are voting for Garry Johnson, ahahahahahahahahah, but seriously though this is. Its sad nowadays that its more dangerous to say what political party you are versus your sexual preference, as many studies have shown. I live near the Seattle-Area and it's very surprising how many Trump Supporters there are out here. As he is my candidate I'm voting for, clarification wise here: I could care less for the wall, I do think illegal immigration is an issue in America and find that if you can't come here legally than you shouldn't be here (I don't care about race since I was raised by parents who are from areas where white people are minorities and honestly we care less about skin color than anything, you earn respect by character. Not color), I think his Reagan-style views on our economy are actually needed in this time (He's proven that he can make it from going down the hole and he can make money which we do need), he isn't racist (If you think he is you're a bigot since you're also an idiot because you don't do your homework), He doesn't hate women (Hillary may try to say she's for womens rights, but bringing in a culture that hates women and treats them worse than animals isn't how you love women). I can't stand Hillary in any-way shape or form, I really hope Trump wins time-and-time again when I see her "Rallies" and how she "Supports all races equally".


I would be happy with a candidate like Trudeau, he seems like a great guy.

My issue with Trump lies in his mannerisms, he truly feels like a character plucked from idiocracy. He needs to stay where he experience is, A Celebrity, not the POTUS. He speaks like he never finished high school and reeks of corporatism.

Fully agree Hilary should be locked away for her crimes against the people.

Illegal immigration will always be an issue until we fix the process it takes to become a citizen, it is long and drawn out, usually taking several years to complete. I have no problem with anyone coming to this country as long as they join the system. It only works when all members participate, freeloaders drag us down and frankly we just have too many people expecting a free ride with minimal effort.

That's not saying that I am against welfare, food stamps, or other forms of assistance, sometimes things get rough and every citizen could use a helping hand, but I work to support my lifestyle, not yours, if you intend to live off of me, I expect some answers as to why you cannot support yourself.

I don't see the point in voting for someone who clearly won't win. It's obviously between Trump and Hiliary so just pick the one you hate the least or don't vote.

You know this is a gaming forums for, like, kids, right?

Are you legitimately expecting cohesive and intelligent replies when probably 95% of the player-base can't even vote?

Yeesh. You polcucks.

(10-03-2016, 12:50 AM)Terran Wrote:  You know this is a gaming forums for, like, kids, right?

Are you legitimately expecting cohesive and intelligent replies when probably 95% of the player-base can't even vote?

Yeesh. You polcucks.

idk what you mean but im voting for trump to take back this country from the millenials.

(10-03-2016, 12:52 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  idk what you mean but im voting for trump to take back this country from the millenials.

Reasons why this is bullshit:
  1. Dread is not a US citizen
  2. Half of the millennials have just reached voting age
  3. Dread is twelve

(10-03-2016, 01:11 AM)Rotshout Wrote:  
(10-03-2016, 12:52 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  idk what you mean but im voting for trump to take back this country from the millenials.

Reasons why this is bullshit:

  1. Dread is not a US citizen
  2. Half of the millennials have just reached voting age
  3. Dread is twelve

reasons why this is not bullshit:

1. u cannot lie on the internet.
2. millenials are spending all of our money and is putting the US government hundreds of dollars in debt.
3. i am twelve

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