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balancing suggestions for the bow

so now everyone has one of these things, I think maybe some balancing should be had

Reduce the bodyshot damage of a charged shot to 80, but then also give no damage reduction on armored targets. My reasoning for this -> the bow is silly on traitors, allowing a silent instakill from any distance on an innocent. With this change, It's still deadly, but not insta-kill powerful. As for the second part of the change, I feel like the bow is pretty weak against detectives and traitors, dealing ~70 damage on a fully charged shot because of armor, this would help out in that area.

kind of a nerf and a buff at the same time. I just feel like a having a weapon thats a silent instakill from any range on body with no penalty just doesnt really work for TTT.... like at all.


Most people have actually argued the bow is UNDERPOWERED. I haven't played since the bow has been buffed, but I can say it's probably not in need of a nerf.

(10-01-2016, 12:32 AM)hockeyfn Wrote:  Most people have actually argued the bow is UNDERPOWERED. I haven't played since the bow has been buffed, but I can say it's probably not in need of a nerf.

how is it underpowered? Im wondering what makes you think that because it straight up 1-hit bodyshots full health innocents. That's stronger than any rifle, or even any shotgun, granted the firerate is probably 1/3 as fast. In my line of thinking a rifle would be risky in most situations as you'd need to land a perfect headshot,and with a shotgun you have to be close, but in the bows case shooting anywhere at them that isnt their arms or legs will grant a kill before they can KOS you. In my opinion, a balanced weapon shouldn't be able to instant kill outside of the head at all. Mostly that- in the current TTT weapons cases we see high risk high reward or low risk weapons that arent as good, and the bow just... doesn't seem to have any risk at all? If you're any good with it at all, facing someone who isn't actively shooting you is the equivalent of just running around with a knife murdering people if you single them out; no time to react, just silent, quick death. I figure a different potential way to nerf the bow without *really* nerfing it would be to give it a restrictive amount of ammo so it doesnt have enough to clear out the entire server. The bows current ammo count would be the equivalent to giving mac-10's a 300 ammo cap or something lol

also "i havent played since its been buffed but i can say its probably not in need of a nerf". Ive only been playing since after it was buffed and i can certainly say its extremely strong in the traitors hands

The bow is under powered when you also look at the fact that nearly every gun is better in every situation

(10-01-2016, 02:08 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  The bow is under powered when you also look at the fact that nearly every gun is better in every situation

not really when i repeatedly just get walked up to and instakilled by someone using the bow... 0 reaction time, its essentially a knife if youre innocent... ZERO effort besides charging the shot and letting go..

why is it that the only people commenting havent even played since the server began being filled with 3+ of these things at a time..

Buff ump
Umpty Dumpty

(10-01-2016, 03:05 AM)Bezerker Wrote:  make umps unlikely

^ +1 i agree

To be fair, the bow is pretty annoying. Give it a circle scope like the Deathbringer or something.

(10-01-2016, 03:28 AM)Terran Wrote:  To be fair, the bow is pretty annoying. Give it a circle scope like the Deathbringer or something.


it already has one....

(10-01-2016, 02:25 AM)Fresh Wrote:  
(10-01-2016, 02:08 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  The bow is under powered when you also look at the fact that nearly every gun is better in every situation

not really when i repeatedly just get walked up to and instakilled by someone using the bow... 0 reaction time, its essentially a knife if youre innocent... ZERO effort besides charging the shot and letting go..

why is it that the only people commenting havent even played since the server began being filled with 3+ of these things at a time..

The same logic can be applied to a lot of other weapons. They could walk up and insta-kill you (basically) with almost every other weapon(albeit most require a headshot or so, but with high firerate, it's basically an insta-kill). You're not going to have time to react before you're dead. With the bow, if they miss the first shot they are fucked unlike other primary weapons. Even if they do kill you with the bow, they are likely gonna get rekt anyways. It's pretty slow to fire.

So yeah, other weapons also have ZERO EFFORT other than pressing and holding the mouse button up close. Same logic honestly.

Not saying a nerf is a BAD thing for them , I'm just pointing out something I see wrong with that logic. Although if they didn't one shot up close in the body, you're fucked in almost every firefight. They are so unpractical to use already, taking away that body shot power would pretty much ruin them. (They also only one shot if fully powered, in upper body/head too. No arms/leg shots)

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