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Remove the "shooting crouch" thing

Okay so, I was just in a dragon round firing away and trying to escape, I fired, broke a window open, then died immediately because I couldn't crouch jump into the window. I have no idea why this is in frg but it's not very helpful from my perspective. Any enlightenment would be appreciated. :c

And nono I'm not trying to bitch about it just because of this incident, it just seems pointless.


It's not usually supposed to be active during minigames. It just puts your crouch during jump on a cooldown for 2 seconds.

This stops crouch jump spam during fights, because crouch jumping is broken in GMOD. It breaks hitboxes. This has cut down on the crouch jumping a lot, and has made it a generally more enjoyable experience. Some people get mad about it, but it's worth it in the end, because crouch jumping in combat is terrible.

The only way I find it irritating is when you fire a single bullet to break a window then get stuck trying to get out it. That is infuriating. Other than that I love it.

(09-11-2016, 03:44 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  The only way I find it irritating is when you fire a single bullet to break a window then get stuck trying to get out it. That is infuriating. Other than that I love it.

That is EXACTLY what happened, cept I was trying to get in.


The crouch jump delay is honestly just more aids than crouch jumping itself, people still spam jumps and shit during a firefight, all it does is get people killed when they're trying to jump across ledges that need crouchjumps, or can't jump out of a window to escape a jihad, etc, because the windows needs them to crouch jump but it's still on cooldown, FeelsBadMan.

I dont know how this suggestion will go, but maybe make it so that after shooting you can only crouchjump once? Because when i use a rifle i need to cjump to get across the map, and die so many times waiting 5 seconds just to be able to move positions.
When a dragon round begins.


Maybe just disable it on boss rounds and keep it on every other kind of round? I dunno, I died seconds within a dragon round cus I couldn't get into a window after shooting it :/


I suggested that the crouch jump cooldown only activates when you damage another player in some way when it first came out.

Can that be done?

I've already tweaked it to not apply on dragon rounds, or hunter rounds. Other minigames it already will not apply on. If you think this system is more aids than crouch jumping, I don't think you quite understand that crouch jumping literally made parts of the player impossible to hit. It quite literally breaks hitboxes by pushing certain hitboxes outside of the players bounding box, making bullets and other traces simply pass right through the hitboxes in those regions. Normal jumping doesn't do this at all, and is fine, it also doesn't make their player model suddenly 'jump' up half of their body length(like crouch jumping does).

It's also not 5 seconds, it's 2 seconds when shooting. 2 seconds.

(09-11-2016, 09:19 PM)Brassx Wrote:  It's also not 5 seconds, it's 2 seconds when shooting. 2 seconds.

Could the cooldown stand to be a little shorter than 2? Maybe 1.5 or even 1? It's by no means a bad idea to have a crouchjump CD, but I too have had it kill me numerous time when I'm trying to get onto a ledge that needs a cj or jump through a window, etc, and this is after the fight is already over and I'm trying to get away as a traitor so that people don't spot my name or start attacking me.

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