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Poll: Would the Godswords be a cool implement?
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Godswords - Not Stolen From Runescape

I really like the idea of the four Godswords from Runescape (Namely, the Zamorak, Armadyl, Bandos and Saradomin), so I was thinking it'd be neat for us here on FRG to both have a few new melees, and a new special ability for the melee weapons.

IF you haven't played Runescape, some special weapons have a "Special Attack" bar that slowly recharges. When you trigger it, it uses a % of the bar to deal a special attack, which I think would be implemented in Garry's Mod (Removing the right-click push and replacing it with the Special Attack).

Now, these are all big, bulky swords (Images below), and would be pretty obnoxious in-game, but if someone could model them, I think that it'd be pretty simple. In the end, for all four you can just model the blade and hilt and change the colors between them (Forest Green/Blood Red/Pure White/Sky Blue), to signify the four different blade types.

All four Blades would have a unique special ability, along with their default stats. I'll put the technicalities down below. (Please note that I've slightly adjusted the hilt/God colors to be a bit more vibrant and recognizable in-game.)

(I'm using a flat damage value for Damage, not a % increase, going off if the default damage is 20.)
(Each Special Attack cooldown will be about 20-30 seconds.)

Zamorak Godsword
Damage: +40 (60 Total)
Firerate: -25%
Mobility: -15%
Range: +25%
Special Attack: "Ice Cleave". When used, your Melee Range is doubled for the hit and if it lands, whoever you hit is frozen for (3-6) seconds. They CAN BE DAMAGED during this time, but ONLY by melee weapons.

Saradomin Godsword
Damage: +20 (40 Total)
Firerate: -5%
Mobility: -5%
Range: +15%
Special Attack: "Healing Blade". Damage is increased by 10, and 75% of the damage dealt is returned to you as HP. This CAN BOOST YOU over the maximum of 100HP, but it will quickly drain back to 100!

Armadyl Godsword
Damage: 25 (45 Total)
Firerate: +15%
Mobility: +10%
Range: +5%
Special Attack: "Judgement". This strike does extremely high damage (A bonus of +50, so a total of 95), but causes a large pillar of light to flash over your target, going through obstacles (Extremely visible!)

Bandos Godsword
Damage: 29 (49 Total)
Firerate: +5%
Mobility: -10%
Range: +20%
Special Attack: "Warstrike". This attack deals an extra 25% of the opponents' CURRENT LIFE in damage, rounded down, and slows their movement speed for (4-16) seconds.

Additional Notes: Of course, I'll need someone to model these weapons and for Brass to actually approve of them, but I was hoping that Aresuft can model them. IF he can't/won't, I'll be paying coins/guns to anyone who can model it and implement it as a SWEP.


Flat image of one of the swords.
Holding Stance/Relative Size

Did you say Godswords? Im already hooked. Anywys I would love to see some new melees. Good idea Terran! +1

if we could get a different model id be more down for it. +.5

jagex sues frg rip

It seems interesting, but no matter how you spin it the "Armadyl Godsword" is op. Even if there's an extremely visible pillar, they cant kos off of weapon anyways. Maybe have a 1 in 4 chance to recoil and damage you with the extra 50 as well.

Runescape gamemode when

(09-07-2016, 11:17 PM)Brassx Wrote:  Runescape gamemode when

There is one mixed in with stranded that I play on, is pretty rad, like you.

I'd like to have a godsword, so I can then delete it.

(09-07-2016, 09:41 PM)Excel Wrote:  jagex sues frg rip

Using the names and likenesses will have Jagex pursuing legal action. Change the names, Change the models, keep the idea.

Yes please, still remember those dank swords +1

(09-07-2016, 11:17 PM)Brassx Wrote:  Runescape gamemode when

Voslom servers back up when?

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