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Piezoelectricity Charge

So using guns to charge a crystal is a little much but how about a drop that charges up your crystal For ex : swan has dropped piezoelectricity charge (4) so now i can put all 4 of those charges into any crystal i want ! which makes it pretty cool and a lot easier to charge your crystals. the amount in each charge can vary from 1-10 , 10 being the rarest the drop rate can be pretty low since im sure people dont wanna spend 1-9k just to charge a crystal.
Love me <3

God yes

No. The whole point is to get RID of excess, useless guns that would either A) Be thrown on the marketplace or B) deleted. The rarer crystals are harder to charge because they give some incredible advantages.

An absolute -1, no, no way in hell from me. A firm, resolute "NO". That removes the ENTIRE point of their creation!

Terran I understand where you're coming from, but as it stands the rarer crystals aren't worth charging.
  • x1

Then don't.
As time goes by, more and more guns people won't use are going to appear. All those Uncommons will be like the Destructives, then the Unlikely's will be Mythicals. This is how it always plays out. Looking for the cheap, easy way to gain more advantages is nothing but a waste of time and a farce all in its own.

I have my reload and my recoil crystals charged up high, and I don't even try to keep 'em topped up. I can 10/10 a blaze crystal easy. My only gripe is that Gravity crystals, or any that require mobility, may be hard to get since it never appears on lower-tiered guns, but that is easily corrected.

you have to at least dump 1-2k on a reload crystal only to use it for a bit, i think a big change to the way they work is needed its totally not worth the coins.
Love me <3

I agree with terran, this server is MEANT to be less overpowers and soon enough unlikelys won't he so unlikely anymore. I don't like this idea.

You guys are overlooking a huge aspect. Which is that the economy is still very new, and chaotic, and not standardized at all yet.

There hasn't been enough players/drops to properly determine if a major change like this is needed. Overtime, there will be tons of items in the system, which means items will be cheaper, and you will be able to find items you require more easily.

Just give it time. If we made it too easy to start with, it could hurt things more in the long run, than if it were too hard!

Plus I feel like some of you may be basing what is and isn't worth charging based on passives from NTG(and how easy they are to come by). These aren't meant to be super commonly used by everyone like passives on NTG. You must look at this as a fresh server, with different baselines entirely, because that's precisely what it is.

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