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Less rare bow

Model: Bow
Rarity: Primordial
It would essentially be a basic bow without any angelic or demonic power. Droppable from either the worm queen or tidal crates (or whatever other things people suggest.) any other ideas about it please comment below.

just a simple bow. No special powers. i dont see why not. Different tiers of bows maybe. higher tier. higher speed of arrow. or reload rate. Capacity of arrows. Broken bow, has a wooden cracked look. pretty slow load time. slow arrow speed. 6 arrows max
Refined bow
faster load, speed. 10 arrows.
Don't see why now
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

The bow's power up is prrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeetty much use less so no. I very very very rarely use the power. The base bow is the only reason to use it imo

i mean it'd have to do a ton less damage and be basically only there for aesthetic to keep the other bows better

- That Thrakos Noob

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