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Soul's Member Application

Age: 14

Steam Name(Current): Soul

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 155.5 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Nowhere I just saw "custom weapons"

Have you ever been banned and why?: I have been karma banned: An innocent decided to rdm, so I killed him, then about 4 other innocents decided to come after me because they saw me kill him, and then, next round, there was another rdmer. I was karma banned next round.

Why do you want to join?: I wish to become a member to become more of a part of this server. I saw how many people were members and how connected they were with this server and I wished to do so, too.

Referred by: No one

Additional Details: None

-1, constantly false reports, RDMs, and is overall an annoying person.

Here is a screenshot of him blatantly RDMing the det.


While I do see you a lot, you dont really talk at all or interact with many people (to what I've seen). Just try to get to know some people better first. So until I too get to know you more, -0.
When a dragon round begins.


(06-22-2016, 09:59 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  -1, constantly false reports, RDMs, and is overall an annoying person.

-1 your hours are off by like 40 plus what tobias said
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

As Tobias said, I see a good amount of reports that are simply are false or aren't reasonable at all. Is not a reasonable player in my opinion. Also going off what fancy said, you need to be a little bit more involved. The only time I've noticed you is when I have to deal with your reports and ask you questions because they can be pretty awful reports. Gonna have to -1 this.

(06-23-2016, 04:54 AM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  As Tobias said, I see a good amount of reports that are simply are false or aren't reasonable at all. Is not a reasonable player in my opinion. Also going off what fancy said, you need to be a little bit more involved. The only time I've noticed you is when I have to deal with your reports and ask you questions because they can be pretty awful reports. Gonna have to -1 this.

pretty much sums it up... -1. please fix this for the future

(06-22-2016, 09:59 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  -1, constantly false reports, RDMs, and is overall an annoying person.
SG Fucking Overlord

My personal thoughts aside, you've caused quite a few problems. I've received quite a few complaints from various people, about your false reporting. I was even once requested to get on for the sole purpose of banning you due to the false reports/trolling.

It never came down to that, and I don't think you've ever been seriously punished. But as far as I'm concerned you're pushing it and your member application is out of question.

Time played: 129.6 hours
You shouldn't lie about your time. Also I don't really know you. I know I've been gone for about 2 weeks but I still should have an idea of who you are since you have a little over 100 hours. Another addition to this is that you did rdm people blatantly. I'm going to say -1

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