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Complaint on Mougwi

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Mougwi

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:1:14044954

Map the event happened on: Halo Asecnsion

Date of event: 5/7/16

What Happened?: Mid-Round Mougwi wasn't a traitor or anything special but during his innocent round he fell off on to part where you can surf. He then took the opportunity to ask one of the moderators ( Mini Cosmic, Emperor Whale) to teleport him to safety. First of all you can not tell them to tp you mid round unless you are stuck he obviously wasn't and was about to fall in the kill box. The round before that Alex saw Mougwi kill someone and Alex shot him to death and Mougwi didn't call this person out so it was obvious to kill him. Mougwi then reported Alex and then kosed Alex next round for no reason (Possibly cause Mougwi didn't get his way and Alex wasn't slain.) But Mougwi tried to do this and it can be considered (Attempt Revenge RDM). Reaver heard Mougwi arguing with people the mods gagged me and Mougwi but when we got ungagged he kept arguing with other people. I admit I was be "dick" but honestly when I first came back to the server which was about a week or two ago and was lvl 5 he "Harassed" me. Harass definition, to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute

Witnesses: Reaver, The Soybean, Alex Summers, Kcat

this isn't a valid complaint without evidence.

plus, the first part of the complaint isn't really report worthy.

I can confirm that he did kos me for no reason, it was either the round after or 2 rounds later. He never responded when I asked why he kos'd me. So I don't know if he thinks he saw me do something or what but I was literally just walking down a tunnel/hallway place. I've seen him start lots of fights and be a huge instigator. A few weeks back, I was on Abandoned mall and we were in that bathroom place. There was a T in there before so I was tapping my Bellum and he walked in front of me and died. I told him what happened and he continued to call me, and I quote, "A little shit"
So yea, I've seen him to be very aggravating and just disrespectful to a lot of people as a whole.

I teleported him probably under 20 seconds into the round because he fell down there pre-round. So don't worry about that. As for this kill on Alex, he didn't talk to me at all about it and all I heard between you two was stupid arguing such as Mougwi asking you if your balls had dropped and you being a jerk right back. You both continued to do it so I gagged you both in hopes that you would be quiet and move on from whatever got you both heated up. You then continued it in chat. I ungagged you both the next round after it stopped. One of you ended up blocking the other which should have happened a while ago. This is a useless report unless Alex wants to jump in on it and say something.

EDIT: Alex evidently was talking about it for a bit but I was probably alt tabbed so he never pursued it in steam or anything. Also there is no evidence but Mougwi doing something like this wouldn't surprise me at all. I have no grounds to make a definitive statement on this so an admin will have to come in and decide.

Never called a kos on alex, I reported him because I was dropped down on the forked tower, killed mini, and a few seconds later, alex drops down and kills me saying "I saw you do it" I kept the report because I didn't feel that he could have seen me. As for the teleporting, I fell down pre round, and had been asking, and amperor was trying to get me out. I understand you are angry, but please don't make bullshit reports like this, get evidence next time, your word is worthless.

whelp time for me to say something this is kinda meaningless cus what you want us to do slay him not like we would ban someone for something so little as this.Also you can just block him which i told him to do with you. You guys need to stop acting like little kids and hating each other.
That is all i got to say so cool you're head a little and act nice.
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

(05-07-2016, 10:36 PM)Mougwi Wrote:  Never called a kos on alex, I reported him because I was dropped down on the forked tower, killed mini, and a few seconds later, alex drops down and kills me saying "I saw you do it" I kept the report because I didn't feel that he could have seen me. As for the teleporting, I fell down pre round, and had been asking, and amperor was trying to get me out. I understand you are angry, but please don't make bullshit reports like this, get evidence next time, your word is worthless.
The odds are kinda against us right now because of lack of evidence but you definitely kos'd me. Also when you killed mini I was standing right next to you and literally saw and heard you mow him down. So I jumped down and killed you. I get the teleporting part but you not kosing me is bs. I would provide a screen shot of it but my computer crashed literally a few rounds later and I lost the screen shot.

Nice Job Mougwi telling people that you blocked me and Alex Summers. Technically saying that "Hey you should block these guys" cause I have gotten trouble for that.

If somebody blocks you, it is because you are annoying. "2 kids I have blocked are collaborating a complaint against me" is not telling everyone to block you.

+1 Mo' Serverwide Drama! Big Grin

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