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Combine market sale notifications

as of lately, people join the server and it all goes to shits as they receive 50 "You have acquired 1 coin!" notifications, can we just make it one notification showing how many they've received so the server doesnt die?

- That Thrakos Noob

Only if it gives a breakdown to that player on what sold for what. (IE: PM on login saying
X item sold for 1x
Y item sold for 1y
and such.)
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

Yea it's tricky. I'm thinking of removing them from the chat box all together, and making a completely separate notification for it on your screen.

(Will still display in console for you only though, for logging reasons).

The problem with making it list who sold you the item, is it goes by forum ID. I'd have to look their forum ID up to display that, which adds a bit more strain to the server when a large number of transactions occur.

However, I do store ALL market transactions in a history, so I could just show that in a market history window, and load them very efficiently to cause little strain.

Eh, won't be that big a deal anymore as most of the standards are gone anyway. It won't be like that in bulk again.

yeah whale but people will get on who havent been on in a while which will periodically destroy everything we've ever come to know and love

- That Thrakos Noob

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