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The Beachiest Bean Application

Age: 19

Steam Name: beachbeans

Time: 228 hours and 34 minutes

Where did I hear about the server?: I was browsing the server list and just happened to find this one.

Have I ever been banned?: That's a negative ghost rider.

Why do you want to join?: Well I have been spending alot of my time on this server and I have grown fond of the people and the vibe that the server gives off.

Referred by: anangrybeaver, Tammy, and y0Nemo

+1, ever since his last member app the mic spamming has gone down, A LOT. He's fun to play with, tbh, and he never rdms on purpose / for fun. He obviously wants to be apart of the community, and there's no reason he shouldn't be, in my opinion.

sure man +1 man you go man i believe in you man

- That Thrakos Noob

+1 this guy is so much fun to play with. He's one of the names I look for when joining the server!!!

Ya! He's a good representation of the server, plus he has amazing drawing skillz +1

+1 but ur no getting me tartarus

He took fixing why he was denied very seriously. I couldn't get him to talk no matter how hard I tried for a little so he really has corrected his mic use. He's a cool guy, deserves member, +1.

(03-06-2016, 05:12 AM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  He took fixing why he was denied very seriously. I couldn't get him to talk no matter how hard I tried for a little so he really has corrected his mic use. He's a cool guy, deserves member, +1.
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

I never even saw when he micspammed the first time so my rating doesn't change.
He's a great dude and plays a lot. Cut down his mic use by a LOT; rare to see him using it. +1

+1, I mean I don't see why he was denied and he's one of the funnest players in the community. He's also my Queen Wink

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