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Membership Application

Age: 22

Steam Name(Current): [HighVoltage]Major Tom-Cat
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 111 hours 23 minutes

Where did you hear about this server?: Random join, got addicted.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Once, exploited item show in chat to ruffle Halaman's feathers. Not going to happen again.

Why do you want to join?: Enjoyable experience, with good staff, and fun regulars.

Referred by: AnAngryBeaver

Additional Details: I have been lead to believe I'm an enjoyable and fair person.

He's mature and active. A little bit on the more rough side, he's never-the-less still good with people and leaves excellent impressions. I think that some people may have had problems with him, but he's never really rude, just truthful. He knows and follows the rules. So I +1!

I agree 100% with all what Terran has said. He's a great, fun guy and I haven't had any problems with him.


Had some issues with him when he first joined but he has gotten better so I think I'll give this a +.75

wat terrone said +1

hes purrrrfect +1

Not sure after you rdmed the whole server and then called us c**** because its just a game
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

Weird how that never happened. Why do I feel like you're trying to be vengeful and spiteful after I got KeepItSoft banned?

Not usually a great idea to reply on your application, but yeah, I think us staff members would have heard about that happening, Mine. Still, I won't jump to conclusions.

Mr Hat approves his membership, hes a great fella and I want to see him grow in the community. +1

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