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Vladimir's Membership Application

Thumbs Up 
Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): Vladimir

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50

Where did you hear about this server?: NTG, Friends

Have you ever been banned and why?: No i have not.

Why do you want to join?: This is a great community, and i really like the look of the server it is so compact and clean. I have been here for a while and i played the beta for and I loved it Smile
Also i would like to stay here for the long run and help/contribute to the server and have the fun.

Referred by: Da pepol

Additional Details:I want to help and stuff,This server is awesome thanks to brass.

ps. terran моя сука
  • x1

+1 I got money for sucking his dick. (this doesn't count as porn does it?)

+1, I like him, he is active and I would trust him with member.

He's a good pal of mine, active, thorough, friendly and good at reasoning. I love playing with him! +1.

+1 he doesn't really engage with anyone else but he's active and doesn't cause problems

+1, Vlad is in the best kids club

Vlad is one of those guys that makes you stay in the server when there's only 3 people in it. +1

(01-14-2015, 05:10 AM)Nekinu Sakuya~ Wrote:  Vlad is one of those guys that makes you stay in the server when there's only 3 people in it. +1

Sums it for me too.

Vlad is top banter m8 B) +soup all the way

Took you long enough time.



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