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Poll: Make Dragon Rounds more common?
Yes, they're too rare how they are.
No, they're meant to be hardly ever seen.
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Boss Round Chance

Boss Rounds (or Dragon Rounds) was supposedly added to each round's minigame chance or whatever you'd call it, but it's supposed to be significantly more rare than the typical OBC minigame, however, I as well as others I've asked have yet to see a single boss round not spawned by Brass or Jake

I'm not sure if the chance of it happening is way too rare or it's broken entirely, but it should happen a little more frequently than it is right now - especially since the rarity includes it being in only specific maps.

So ye, it's either make it a lil more common cus it's rare based off map anyway, or just leave it how it is cus it's supposed to be mega super never-seen rare.

- That Thrakos Noob

+1 I haven't had a boss round in a long fucking time. Only see dragon rounds when jake is on

(01-24-2016, 04:21 AM)Enchantable Wrote:  +1 I haven't had a boss round in a long fucking time. Only see dragon rounds when jake is on

True i've never had a actual boss round/ dragon round without jake starting it +1

I crashed on the only one i ever got. +1

I think it should be maybe 1 in 40. They're on only a few maps so it's kind of pointless if it's so obscenely rare and only be one like 6 out of 30+ maps. +1

I don't know if they should be more common then people will only vote for the maps that they know they can play dragon round on.
It should only happen on certain maps and there should be a longer wait to play those maps

EDIT:Actually ^ wouldn't work that great since the server crashing restarts the map wait thing

Im fine with the way that are right now Dragons rounds won't be as much fun if there is a lot more of them

(01-24-2016, 05:03 AM)Excel Wrote:  I don't know if they should be more common then people will only vote for the maps that they know they can play dragon round on.
It should only happen on certain maps and there should be a longer wait to play those maps

EDIT:Actually ^ wouldn't work that great since the server crashing restarts the map wait thing

Im fine with the way that are right now Dragons rounds won't be as much fun if there is a lot more of them

I agree with this but NOBODY has EVER seen one so they def need at least a slight rarity decrease.

I've not even gotten to play a dragon round on FRG yet I don't think, I'd appreciate if they actually happened randomly.

+1 I want more godlykes. Make it as rare as a standard shotgun dropping from end of round drop.
Bouncy Rounds

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