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Dolan's wonderfull member application

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): Mr.Diklano (call me dolan or dik)

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 61 hours 23 minutes

Where did you hear about this server?: I came from being a mod on NTG a long time back and i remember playing on this server rather early on when i got told about it, then i quit gmod for awhile.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I have not no.

Why do you want to join?: Well i love being part of a community, and i know this one is extremely friendly and populated with alot of my friends from back in the day. Just playing with everyone makes me enjoy it and id love to actually be part of this community

Referred by:Jerome as a joke and Alexsandr randomly said for me to do it.

Additional Details: I'm a rather strange lad. I talk about random shit and enjoy a good time with friends. Honestly post what you feel about me as it wont affect how i talk to you in game at all. Enjoy lads and lasses <3

Dolan is a really cool guy, and a lot of people here have known him for a long time.

I definitely support him as a member, and I see no reason for him to be denied! +1

-1 hes a faggot

+2 because his British bumhole is smexy

oh lord oh god.
i mean
i guess

+1, more penis jokes to come bois

- That Thrakos Noob

+1 for accent

if you stay active +1
cool guy, friendly, etc
no reason to -1

no british allowed
nvm we already have multiple spies
good duck is a loyal duck

+1 I had sex with Dolan
Bouncy Rounds

Yeah, we all know and love him. :P


who the fuck is this kid -1

jk +1 hes still a minge cunt love u darling

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